1.1.3 • Published 2 years ago

google-ads-api-client v1.1.3

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2 years ago


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A friendly and exhaustive client to the google-ads-api, code generated directly from google's published protobuf schema.


this package is a thin utility making it easy to use the grpc endpoints that google exposes for their google ads api.

this package:

  • code-generates the types + clients specified by google's protobuf schema of their api
  • exposes a simple way to use the code-generated clients

the benefits:

  • ✨ up to date - code generated from google's published protobuf definition of their api, ensuring its always up to date
  • 🔥 exhaustive - all services and methods that google has published are exposed through this library, no api left behind
  • 🚀 easy to use - documented, commented, and discoverable - making it easy to interact with their api
  • 🙂 helpful - goes out of the way to keep you in a pit of success



npm install --save google-ads-api-client


listing accessible customer ids

The google ads api requires you to specify which of your accessible google-ads-accounts (i.e., customers) you want to manage in a given api call. In order to specify them, you may first need to list the accessible ones.

import {
} from 'google-ads-api-client';

 * the transport enables making authenticated api calls
const transport = getAuthenticatedGoogleAdsApiGrpcTransport({
  clientId: '__CLIENT_ID__',
  clientSecret: '__CLIENT_SECRET__',
  refreshToken: '__REFRESH_TOKEN__',
  developerToken: '__DEVELOPER_TOKEN__',

 * each service that google has in the google ads api has its own code-generated client
 * note:
 * - you'll notice their online documentation is grouped per service
 * - your IDE will show you all of the available methods google exposes on each service through this client
 * - this client uses the authenticated transport you created above
 * ref:
 * - https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/v11/overview#services
const client = new CustomerServiceClient(transport);

 * you can use the clients to make any request google supports
 * note:
 * - wrap the request in a try-catch to decode errors the grcp api might throw (otherwise, they'll be unreadable)
 * - they come with jsdocs, so hover over the methods in your IDE to get more details
 * - each method is well documented online, so you can easily google-search the method to get google's official docs
 * - everything has type defs, so you can be sure you're making valid requests 🙂
try {
  const { status, response } = await client.listAccessibleCustomers({});
} catch (error: any) {
  if (isGrpcError(error)) throw extractGoogleAdsApiError(error);
  throw error;

lookup geo target constant locations by name


  const client = new GeoTargetConstantServiceClient(transport);
  try {
    const { response, status } = await client.suggestGeoTargetConstants(
        // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/v11/SuggestGeoTargetConstantsRequest
        countryCode: 'US',
        query: {
          oneofKind: 'locationNames',
          locationNames: { names },
  } catch (error: any) {
    if (isGrpcError(error)) throw extractGoogleAdsApiError(error);
    throw error;

generate keyword ideas

per google

Using the KeywordPlanIdeaService, you can search for new keywords that are relevant to your Google Search campaign, or find historical metrics on keywords.


  const client = new KeywordPlanIdeaServiceClient(transport);
  try {
    const { response, status } = await client.generateKeywordIdeas(
        // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/v11/GenerateKeywordIdeasRequest
        customerId: config.google.ads.account.manager.customerId,
        geoTargetConstants: locationResourceNames,
        includeAdultKeywords: false,
        pageToken: undefined as any, // google's proto typedef doesn't match comments here
        pageSize: page.size,
        keywordAnnotation: [
        seed: {
          oneofKind: 'keywordSeed',
          keywordSeed: { keywords: [seed] },
  } catch (error: any) {
    if (isGrpcError(error)) throw extractGoogleAdsApiError(error);
    throw error;


  1. install the protoc binary from google
curl -OL https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases/download/v3.20.3/$PROTOC_ZIP
sudo unzip -o $PROTOC_ZIP -d /usr/local bin/protoc
sudo unzip -o $PROTOC_ZIP -d /usr/local 'include/*'
protoc --version
# libprotoc 3.20.3
  1. download the protos from google and generate typedefs and serde from them
./src/protos/sync.sh # takes ~20min, so be patient

api access

Google has a delightfully complicated process for getting access to their api 😄

In order to get access, you'll need to:


protobuf, rpc, grpc

google uses two google-built technologies, protobuf and rpc, to maximize their api performance.

when used together, protobuf + rpc = grpc


proto = protobuf schema

google publicly exposes their protos here: https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/tree/master/google/ads/googleads

for example:

// https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/blob/master/google/ads/googleads/v11/resources/ad.proto
// An ad.
message Ad {
  option (google.api.resource) = {
    type: "googleads.googleapis.com/Ad"
    pattern: "customers/{customer_id}/ads/{ad_id}"

  // Immutable. The resource name of the ad.
  // Ad resource names have the form:
  // `customers/{customer_id}/ads/{ad_id}`
  string resource_name = 37 [
    (google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE,
    (google.api.resource_reference) = {
      type: "googleads.googleapis.com/Ad"

  // Output only. The ID of the ad.
  optional int64 id = 40 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];

  // The list of possible final URLs after all cross-domain redirects for the
  // ad.
  repeated string final_urls = 41;

  // A list of final app URLs that will be used on mobile if the user has the
  // specific app installed.
  repeated google.ads.googleads.v11.common.FinalAppUrl final_app_urls = 35;

  // The list of possible final mobile URLs after all cross-domain redirects
  // for the ad.
  repeated string final_mobile_urls = 42;


we use these schemas to generate typescript typedefs and serde (serialize-deserialize) methods with this tool: https://github.com/timostamm/protobuf-ts/

for example:

 * An ad.
 * @generated from protobuf message google.ads.googleads.v11.resources.Ad
export interface Ad {
     * Immutable. The resource name of the ad.
     * Ad resource names have the form:
     * `customers/{customer_id}/ads/{ad_id}`
     * @generated from protobuf field: string resource_name = 37;
    resourceName: string;
     * Output only. The ID of the ad.
     * @generated from protobuf field: int64 id = 40;
    id: bigint;
     * The list of possible final URLs after all cross-domain redirects for the
     * ad.
     * @generated from protobuf field: repeated string final_urls = 41;
    finalUrls: string[];
     * A list of final app URLs that will be used on mobile if the user has the
     * specific app installed.
     * @generated from protobuf field: repeated google.ads.googleads.v11.common.FinalAppUrl final_app_urls = 35;
    finalAppUrls: FinalAppUrl[];
     * The list of possible final mobile URLs after all cross-domain redirects
     * for the ad.
     * @generated from protobuf field: repeated string final_mobile_urls = 42;
    finalMobileUrls: string[];

    // ...