0.0.2 • Published 4 years ago
google-apis-authenticator v0.0.2
Google APIs Authenticator
Google APIs Authentication made simple, just export your service account via GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
environment variable and it's done.
This package knows when you are working on local environment or if you are using any Google service like Cloud Run, Cloud Functions,... Using a custom service account in those service is very convenient, but user impersonation is hard to achieve via googleapis nodeJS library, this library aims to unlock that block.
npm install google-apis-authenticator
Enable iAM API here.
Service Account needed roles:
- Service Account Token Creator
import { GoogleApisAuthenticator } from 'google-apis-authenticator'
import { google } from 'googleapis'
const scopes = []
const impersonationEmail = 'impersoname@me.com'
const googleApisAuthenticator = new GoogleApisAuthenticator(scopes, impersonationEmail)
const auth = googleApisAuthenticator.getCredentials()
auth.then(async (crendentials) => {
const res = await google.gmail({ version: 'v1', auth: credentials }).users.messages.list()