2.2.1 • Published 3 years ago

google-artifactregistry-auth-private v2.2.1

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3 years ago

Artifact Registry tools for npm packages

This repository contains tools to simplify the process of working with npm packages using Artifact Registry.

Artifact Registry Module

The Artifact Registry google-artifactregistry-auth module is an npm package which allows you to configure npm to interact with npm private repositories in Artifact Registry.

For more details, see https://cloud.google.com/artifact-registry/docs/nodejs/authentication

The module automatically searches for credentials from the environment and authenticates to Artifact Registry. It looks for credentials in the following order: 1. Google Application Default Credentials. 2. The current active account logged in via gcloud auth login. 3. If neither of them exist, an error occurs.

NOTE: This module would update credentials for all Artifact Registry repositories. It would not be suitable if you use multiple account credentials in npmrc file.

To use the module:

  1. Log in

    Option 1: log in as a service account:

    (1). Using a JSON file that contains a service account key:

       `$ export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=[path/to/key.json]`

    (2). Or using gcloud:

       `$ gcloud auth application-default login` 

    Option 2: log in as an end user via gcloud:

    $ gcloud auth login

  2. Add settings to connect to the repository to .npmrc. Use the output from the following command:

    $ gcloud artifacts print-settings npm



    PROJECT_ID is the ID of the project.

    REPOSITORY_ID is the ID of the repository.

    LOCATION is the location of the repository.

  3. Use one of these below options to run the script

    1. Run the module outside of the directory containing the target npmrc file

      $ npx google-artifactregistry-auth [path/to/.npmrc]

    2. Include the command in the scripts in package.json

      "scripts": {
          "artifactregistry-login": "npx google-artifactregistry-auth [path/to/.npmrc]",

      Run the script

      $ npm run artifactregistry-login

    3. npx should come with npm 5.2+. If npx is not available:

      Install the module from npmjs.com as a dev dependency and include the command in the script

      $ npm install google-artifactregistry-auth --save-dev

      "scripts": {
          "artifactregistry-login": "./node_modules/.bin/artifactregistry-auth [path/to/.npmrc]",

      Where path/to/.npmrc is the optional argument you can provide to the script. If no path is provided, .npmrc file at current directory is used.

      Run the script

      $ npm run artifactregistry-login