0.1.3 • Published 6 years ago

google-doc-to-pdf v0.1.3

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Last release
6 years ago


📝Generate PDF from Google Doc templates

npm.io npm.io

HEADS UP!: This package has been renamed to google-doc-mustaches

How does this work?

google-doc-to-pdf will execute requests to the Google Drive and Google Docs APIs to copy the file, interpolate its placeholders and generate the according PDF.


npm install google-doc-to-pdf

Basic usage

Create a new Google Doc file and write the following text:

Hello {{ firstname }} {{ lastname | uppercase }}!

You have {{ accounts[0].money }}€ in you account...

Then execute the following code

import GoogleDocToPdf from 'google-doc-to-pdf'

const gdoc = new GoogleDocToPdf({
  token: () => gapi.auth.getToken().access_token

// ID of the template
const source = '11rGORd6FRxOGERe7fh6LNQfyB48ZvOgQNH6GScK_FfA'

// ID of the destination folder
const destination = '18mcqwbaXS8NOqZjztB3OUQAc5_P8M6-l'

gdoc.toPdf(source, destination, {
  name: 'Export PDF',
  data: {
    firstname: 'Thibaud',
    lastname: 'Courtoison',
    accounts: [{ money: 1500 }]


new GoogleDocToPdf(options: GoogleDocToPdfOptions)

type AccessToken = string

interface GoogleDocToPdfOptions {
  token: () => AccessToken
  • token will be called at every request to the Google apis.

AccessToken must have the following scopes:

gdoc.toPdf(source: ID, destination?: ID, options?: ToPdfOptions): ID

This method will create a new Google Doc file from the source and into the destination folder.

If options.data is provided, this method will try to interpolate placeholders from the source file.

type ID = string

interface ToPdfOptions {
  name?: string
  data?: Object
  formatters: Formatters

interface Formatters {
  [name: string]: Formatter

type Formatter = (value: any) => string
  • name will be the name of both the newly created and completed google doc file and the corresponding PDF
  • data will be used for interpolation
  • formatters will be used for interpolation



The double brackets notation (also known as mustaches) is used to define placeholders:

My name is {{ firstname }}. Nice to meet you!

During the interpolation, the placeholder will be replaced with the content of the options.data object.

  firstname: 'Thibaud'
My name is Thibaud. Nice to meet you!

Path notation

You can use nested objects and arrays for the interpolation:

{{ pokemons[1].name }}, I choose you!

With the following options.data

  pokemons: [
      name: 'Eevee',
      level: 12
      name: 'Pikachu',
      level: 25

Will become:

Pikachu, I choose you!


You can use formatters to print your data and more complex objects any way you want.

There is a number of available formatters, but you can also write your owns

Hi {{ name | uppercase }}. Today is {{ today | printDay }}, tomorrow is {{ tomorrow | printDay }}.

With the following options:

  data: {
    name: "Courtoison",
    today: new Date(),
    tomorrow: new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate()+1))
  formatters: {
    printDay: date => date.toLocaleDateString('en-US',{weekday: 'long'})

Will become:

Hi COURTOISON. Today is Thursday, tomorrow is Wednesday.

Available formatters:

  • lowercase: HeLLo => hello
  • uppercase: wOrLd => WORLD
  • More to come...

6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago