0.1.0 • Published 8 years ago

google-sheet-i18n v0.1.0

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8 years ago


google-sheet-i18n provides an way for translations files to be generated using google sheets.


Google Sheet Configuration

Organize translations in such a way that each row will be configured like so

The first row will be used as the categories, and the rest will be the i18n keys as follows,


onboardinglandingexit...Good bye!Au revior!...

CLI Configuration

Configuration requires a credentials JSON file that can be obtained through Google's developer console with the following instructions ( Some instructions borrowed from node-google-spreadsheet )

  1. Go to the Google Developers Console
  2. Select your project or create a new one (and then select it)
  3. Enable the Drive API for your project
  • In the sidebar on the left, expand APIs & auth > APIs
  • Search for "drive"
  • Click on "Drive API"
  • click the blue "Enable API" button
  1. Create a service account for your project
  • In the sidebar on the left, expand APIs & auth > Credentials
  • Click blue "Add credentials" button
  • Select the "Service account" option
  • Select the "JSON" key type option
  • Click blue "Create" button
  • your JSON key file is generated and downloaded to your machine (it is the only copy!)
  • note your service account's email address (also available in the JSON key file)
  1. Share the doc (or docs) with your service account using the email noted above

Running the Translations

  1. npm install -g google-sheet-i18n
  2. Create a i18n.config.js file in the folder you wish to run the translations on.
  3. i18n start

i18n Configuration

var path = require('path')

module.exports = {
  categories: ['category', 'subcategory', 'subcategory2'],
  credentialsPath: path.join(process.cwd(), 'credentials.json'),
  languages: ['en_CA', 'fr_CA', 'es_ES'],
  sheetId: 'YOUR_SHEET_ID',
  outputs: [
      name: 'Angular.JS',
      outPath: path.join(process.cwd(), './client/i18n'),
      mapper: myAngularMapper,
      concat: true,
      name: 'PHP',
      outPath: path.join(process.cwd(), './api/i18n'),
      suffix: '_lang',
      preset: 'php',
  • categories - (required) Different columns used to create a translation key, ie. onboarding.landing.intro is created the table above when generating i18n files

  • delimiter - (optional, default - '.') The delimiter used to join different categories to created a translation key

  • credentialsPath - (required) Absolute path to your crendentials JSON file

  • languages: (required) Specify the column on the sheets we want to use as the i18n values, Note: this will also be the name of the folders in which the translations will be outputted

  • sheetId - (required) The ID of the Google Sheet document that you want to use

  • output - (required) The specified file outputs

    • outPath - (required) Absolute path to output your file(s)

    • concat - (optional) If enabled, each sheet will not have it's own file, but will be concatenated, thus, creating one file per language.

    • preset - (optional) Predefined templates to format each row in accordance to specification. Current presets consists of: php and json

    • prefix - (optional) As the name of each worksheet will correspond to the name of the file, ie. data sheet will output as data.someExtension, prefix allows for users to define a prefix, such as somePrefix-data.someExtension

    • suffix - (optional) Identical to prefix, except for the fact that it will be for suffix

    • mapper - (optional) Used to define own row mappings

Creating your own mapper

A mapper consists of 2 different parts,

  1. fileMapper - a function that takes in an array of rows each consisting of a key and a data and returns a string to be written to the a file

  2. fileExtension - the type of extension that will be appended at the end of the file name


var fileMapper = function fileMapper(rows, language) {

  var output = rows.reduce(function (outputSoFar, row, index, array) {
    outputSoFar[row.key] = row.data
    return outputSoFar
  }, {})
  return '(function() {angular.module(\'translations\').constant(\'' + language + '\', ' + JSON.stringify(output) + ')\n})();\n'


var myAngularMapper = {
  fileMapper: fileMapper,
  fileExtension: '.js',