1.0.3 • Published 7 years ago

google-sheet-watcher-cli v1.0.3

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Last release
7 years ago


This is a Node.js application with CLI that enables you to watch for changes to google speadsheets that are either public or privately owned and notifies any HTTP server on a given callback URL.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes -


You would need the following things -

  1. PM2
npm install pm2 -g
  1. Google Service Account Key - Login to Google Apps Console, click on create credentials->service account key. Select a service account and key type as JSON and click on create. After you have downlaoded the JSON file save it as ./data/google-credentials.json


npm i google-sheet-watcher-cli -g

Commands Overview

gsheets import

Import spreadsheets of auhtorised google user. Remember that all the sheets shared at the email mentioned as client_email in the generated JSON file are ONLY the private files that will be imported.

gsheets add <URL>

Add a Google Spreadsheet (should be public or privately visible to client_email in JSON)

gsheets list

List all sheets that have been added/imported.

gsheets del <INDEX>

Remove a spreadsheet from the list.

gsheets watcher start/stop/restart

Starts the watcher to look for changes in any of the spreadsheets.

gsheets callback <URL>

Give a callback URL that gets a hit with details if there is change in any spreadsheet. For Example -

POST http://<your_domain>.com/callback
	url: 'https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/worksheets/1SLRMX0APFh_EVb7Y3ac4PFn3bM2ipnGx7NaxhAVE8Qk/private/full',
  	id: '1SLRMX0APFh_EVb7Y3ac4PFn3bM2ipnGx7NaxhAVE8Qk',
  	title: 'Interview candidates',
  	updated: '2017-03-13T18:51:58.957Z' 