1.2.2 • Published 5 years ago

google-signin-vue v1.2.2

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Last release
5 years ago


This Package can be used for both vue and nuxt. Both Documentation are given below.

Project setup

npm install google-signin-vue

Basic Setup

To use this package, we must get the client-id from google.

  • Go to Google developer Console

  • Create a Project or select an existing project

  • Then goto oath consent tab on the left sidebar

  • Choose the option internal if this can be used only by the organization. For example, if you registered the organization like myowndomain.com, then anyone who has mail id with @mydomain.com registered with Gmail only can log in.

  • Choose the option external if anyone registered with Gmail can log in.

  • Then You can fill all the details.

  • In case you are testing in localhost, you can just enter application name (mandatory) and enter logo(optional)

  • Save the Details

  • Goto Credentials tab on the left sidebar

  • Select Create Credential

  • Select application type as a web application, specify a name.

  • In the Authorized javascript origins section, enter the project domain name.

  • In Case of localhost just type localhost, If the project running on a specific port, enter the port like localhost:XXXX.

  • Now you’ll get the credentials, use only the client-id, keep your client- secret confidential. client- secret should be provided only to the backend.

For Vue Project

  • In public/index.html add the below script in header
<script src="https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js"></script>

Inside Template


On the script of the same template

import googleSignIn from 'google-signin-vue'

export default {
  name: 'app',
  components: {
    getSuccessData:function (user) {
      // The User variable contains id_token, id, name, image, email as objects.
      // Send The id_token to the Backend for the verication.
    getFailureData:function (errorData) {
      // The errorData variable contains failure details

For Nuxt Project

  • Create app.html in the root directory of the project and add
       <html {{ HTML_ATTRS }}>
       <head {{ HEAD_ATTRS }}>
         {{ HEAD }}
           <script src="https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js"></script>
       <body {{ BODY_ATTRS }}>
       {{ APP }}
[Nuxt Js App Template Documentation](https://nuxtjs.org/guide/views#app-template)

#### Inside Template

#### On the script of the same template

import googleSignIn from 'google-signin-vue/src/googleSignIn.vue'

export default { name: 'app', components: { googleSignIn }, methods:{ getSuccessData:function (user) { // The User variable contains id_token, id, name, image, email as objects. // Send The id_token to the Backend for the verication. }, getFailureData:function (errorData) { // The errorData variable contains failure details } } }

#### Note: You must specify the callback function as props to get the data, The supported props are given below.

| Prop                                                    |   Type   |      Required      | Description                                                                                      |
| ------------------------------------------------------- | :------: | :----------------: | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `clienId`                                               |  string  | :white_check_mark: | Client Id Obtained from google.                                                                  |
| `warning`                                               |  boolean |                    | Warnings on console is displayed on true. Default is true                                        |
| `className`                                             |  string  |                    | Any classname if needed to append on the button                                                  |
| `successCallBack`                                       | function |                    | Function to receive success data, must have one parameter                                        |
| `failureCallBack`                                       | function |                    | Function to receive failure data, must have one parameter                                        |
| `customButton`                                          |  boolean |                    | True if gonna set the custom button. Set via `<slot> Your Code Here</slot>` . customButtonId is mandatory if it is set to True                  |
| `customButtonId`                                        |  string  |                    | Id of the custom button, so we can trigger the google on clicking the button                     |
| `longTitle`                                             |  boolean |                    | Google's Option to set long title. Default is false.                                             |
| `theme`                                                 |  string  |                    | Google's Option to change the button's display. 'light' / 'dark' are the only value supported.   |
| `buttonWidth`                                           |  number  |                    | Specify the Button width to google.                                                              |
| `buttonHeight`                                          |  number  |                    | Specify the Button width to google.                                                              |

5 years ago


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