1.1.0 • Published 3 years ago

govee-led-client v1.1.0

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3 years ago

Govee Bluetooth LED Client

This NodeJS library allows the user to control their Govee LED lights using the noble bluetooth libraries. This works for windows, linux and darwin thanks to the noble-winrt implementation of noble for windows.


This library requires noble in order to work, if you have a windows computer use noble-winrt .

npm install noble govee-led-client


const Noble = require("noble");
// const Noble = require("noble-winrt"); // If you use windows, use this library
const BluetoothLED = require('govee-led-client');

var Client = new BluetoothLED('<mac-address>', Noble)

Client.on('connected', () => {

  Client.setState(true); // Turn on the LED
  Client.setState(false); // Turn off the LED

  Client.setColor('red'); // Use Color Strings
  Client.setColor('#ff0000'); // Use Hex colors
  Client.setColor('rgb(123, 234, 45)'); // Use Color Definitions

  Client.setBrightness(0); // Set the brightness at 0%
  Client.setBrightness(100); // Set the brightness at 100%

  Client.disconnect(); // Disconnect from the device


// The device is disconnected and will NOT attempt to reconnect
Client.on('disconnect', () => console.log('Disconnected')); 
// If this was not client initiated, the device will attempt to reconnect
Client.on('ble:disconnect', () => console.log('Disconnected')); 
// The client successfully reconnected
Client.on('reconnected', () => console.log('Reconnected'))


  • In order to get the mac address of the device you need to connect to, you can connect to it on your phone and use wireshark or something of the sort to sniff the mac, or you can connect to it on your computer and lookup the mac from there. The device was called ihommet_XXXX_XXX for myself.



3 years ago


4 years ago