0.0.1 • Published 12 years ago

gpgme v0.0.1

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Last release
12 years ago


GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) bindings for node.js supporting public key cryptography, encryption, decryption, signing and verification. This is based off of the GnuPG Made Easy (GPGME) GPG C library, see its very good documentation for more information.


GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v3, see the COPYING file in this directory.


npm install gpgme


  • Also see the test.js file in this directory for example usage.
  • Currently uses JavaScript strings for all data input and output.
  • Uses ASCII Armor for all encrypted output.

Require gpg and initialize a new context.

var gpg = require('gpgme');


To verify a message with a signature. First generate the signature which can be done with the following in the shell (the -a indicates ASCII armor output).

sig=$(echo foo|gpg --detach-sign -a|sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\\\n/g')
echo "{\"content\":\"foo\\\\n\", \"signature\":\"$sig\"}" |tee msg.json

Then save your signature to a JavaScript string, and run the following (or run node test.js).

var msg = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./msg.json', 'utf8'));

  console.log("verification success");
  console.log("verification failure");


To decrypt an encrypted message. First generated encrypted content by running the following in a shell.

echo "secret contents"|gpg -e -r "Your GPG Name" -a|tee cipher.txt

Then run the following (or run node test.js).

var cipher = fs.readFileSync('cipher.txt', 'utf8');
var decrypted = gpg.decrypt(cipher);
console.log('decrypted content is "'+decrypted+'"');

To decrypt and verify a message. First generated encrypted content by running the following in a shell.

echo "secret signed contents"|gpg -s -e -r "Your GPG Name" -a \
  |tee signed-cipher.txt

Then run the following (or run node test.js).

var signed_cipher = fs.readFileSync('signed-cipher.txt', 'utf8');
var decrypted_and_verified = gpg.decryptAndVerify(signed_cipher);
console.log('decrypted and verified content is "'+decrypted_and_verified+'"');


To sign a message. First write a JSON hash holding the data to encrypt and the name of the signatory (this name will be used by GPG to lookup the key).

echo '{"signatory":"Your Name", "content":"foo\n"}' > sign.json

Then run the following (or run node test.js).

var sign = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./sign.json', 'utf8'));
var signature = gpg.sign(sign.signatory, sign.content);
console.log('content "'+sign.content+
            '" signed by "'+sign.signatory+
            '" yields signature "'+signature+'"');


To encrypt a message. First write a JSON hash holding a list of the recipients and the message to encrypt.

echo '{"recipients":["Your Name"], "content":"foo\n"}' > encrypt.json

Then run the following (or run node test.js).


  • add a context class to allow multiple simultaneous operations
  • add a key class to allow key management to take place on the JS side of things
  • add support for asynchronous operations w/callbacks (gpgme should make this straightforward)