1.0.1 • Published 6 years ago

gracey v1.0.1

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6 years ago


A declarative CLI building tool that just makes sense. Named after my sweetheart.



There are many CLI tools out there, but they all have restrictions, be some or many.

I want an API that is easy to use, easy to understand and easy to read.

No more guessing what all the commands do. Let's go through it together.


The concept of this package is that 'what you write is what you get'. The sequence of your commands matters and you know how your users will interact with the CLI.

All commands that return this are chainable, which is a nice feeling.

Our examples will build the @angular/cli tool with the following commands:

ng generate component --flat folder/componentname
// or
ng g c -f folder/componentname

ng init --flat

class Program or class Alias

The class to your program. Instanciate this once and start the chain of commands.

There is no constructor, so chain away!

const Program = new Gracey()

In this class, the abstraction is multiples and singles. You can change each into eachother. Action is the last thing that happens before the command node is reset.

  1. command()
  2. option()
  3. action()
  4. commands()
  5. options()
  6. actions()
  7. parse()
  8. options?: {}

Gracey().command(name: string)

// want a command?
const Program = new Gracey()
.command('generate', 'g')

// want a sub command?
const Program = new Gracey()
.command('generate', 'g')
.command('component', 'c')


// declaring 1 space in the process.argv per option
const Program = new Gracey()
.command('generate', 'g')
.command('component', 'c')
.option('-f', '--flat','Flattens the folder', { default: false })

// declaring 1 space in the process.argv per options (allows -fcd)
const Program = new Gracey()
.command('generate', 'g')
.command('component', 'c')
.options('flags', (option) => {
    // create each option. It will be added into options array
    option('-f', '--flat','Flattens the folder', { default: false })
    option('-s', '--sass','Use SASS as default', { default: false })    


const Program = new Gracey()
.command('generate', 'g')
.command('component', 'c')
.options('flags', (option) => {
    option('-f', '--flat','Flattens the folder', { default: false })
    option('-s', '--sass','Use SASS as default', { default: false })    
// access all the things in Program
.actions((action, program) => {
    // action handler for troubleshooting and you know what ya doing
    action('run component', componentGenerator(program.options))


Have typescript intellisense all the stuff you've already put in and available in the program.options output, for example.