0.0.4 • Published 10 years ago
gradleps v0.0.4
Npm-style search through Maven Central repository and easy adding dependencies to Gradle buildfile.
Installation & Usage
$ npm install gradleps -g
After installation you can search through Maven Central
$ gradleps search guice --limit 5
Found 296 results. Displaying first 5:
com.google.inject:guice 4.0-beta
com.jolira:guice 3.0.0
org.jvnet.hudson:guice 3.0-rc1
com.mycila.com.google.inject:guice 3.0-20100927
org.mod4j.com.google.inject:guice 1.0-XTEXT-PATCHED
You can also automatically update your build.gradle
$ gradleps install guice -f build.gradle
Possible options:
[y] com.google.inject:guice 4.0-beta
[1] com.jolira:guice 3.0.0
[2] org.jvnet.hudson:guice 3.0-rc1
[3] com.mycila.com.google.inject:guice 3.0-20100927
[4] org.mod4j.com.google.inject:guice 1.0-XTEXT-PATCHED
Installing com.google.inject:guice@4.0-beta
Is it okay? [Y/n/1/2/3/4] choice Y
All done!
0.0.4 - Fixed shebang to more generic (thanks to fbukevin) 0.0.3 - Just print the dependency if dependencies cannot be found.
Any contribution is welcome. Please share your ideas!