0.0.4 • Published 2 years ago
grammy-calendar v0.0.4
Grammy Calendar Menu
WARNING: unstable. This is not completely stable yet. Please try it out and provide feedback, either by opening an issue or in the group chat.
This grammY plugin ports telegraf-calendar-telegram to the grammY framework.
import { Calendar, type CalendarContext, type CalendarOptions } from "grammy-calendar";
import { Bot } from "grammy";
type MyContext = Context & CalendarContext;
type SessionData = {
calendarOptions: CalendarOptions;
const bot = new Bot<MyContext>("BOT-TOKEN");
initial: () => ({
calendarOptions: {}
const calendarMenu = new Calendar<MyContext>(
(ctx) => ctx.session.calendarOptions
bot.on("message:text", async (ctx) => {
ctx.session.calendarOptions = { defaultDate: new Date() };
await ctx.reply("This is a calendar", { reply_markup: calendarMenu })
bot.filter((ctx) => !!ctx.calendarSelectedDate, async (ctx) => {
const dateText = ctx.calendarSelectedDate!.toString()
await ctx.reply(`You have selected this date: ${dateText}`)