1.0.1 • Published 1 year ago

graphdrawing-ts v1.0.1

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1 year ago


This project is a 1:1 zero-dependency rewrite of PGF's graphdrawing module from lua in TypeScript.

It can be used to create graph layouts at run-time and is useful for applications such as data-structure visualization.

Please note that this package will require a Node.js assert polyfill to run on browsers.


As an example, here is how to create a directed 3-cycle:

import { useState } from 'react'
import { GraphBuilder, ForceDeclarations, Path } from 'graphdrawing-ts'

const nodeSize = 25
const siblingSep = 20

const builder = new GraphBuilder(ForceDeclarations)

  .pushOption('spring Hu 2006 layout')
  .pushOption('node distance', nodeSize * 3.5)
  .pushOption('sibling sep', siblingSep)


builder.createVertex("1", undefined, Path.squarePath(nodeSize))
builder.createVertex("2", undefined, Path.squarePath(nodeSize))
builder.createVertex("3", undefined, Path.squarePath(nodeSize))

builder.createEdge("1", "2")
builder.createEdge("1", "3")
builder.createEdge("2", "3")


const renderedGraph = builder.renderGraph()

The resulting renderedGraph object has the structure:

    // ...
    vertices: [
        { name: "1", pos: { x: 0, y: 0 } },
        { name: "2", pos: { x: 0, y: -135.6 } },
        { name: "3", pos: { x: -118.9, y: -67.8 } },


As you can see, the vertices have been positioned in a nice way given the graph structure (that is, triangularly).

For more on using the graphdrawing library, see the docs.

For more on implementing a front-end (renderer), check out the react example.


This package adds a GraphBuilder class which acts as a wrapper around InterfaceToDisplay, automatically taking care of managing scope height.

Supported Algorithms

  • Force
  • Trees
  • Layered
  • Planar
  • Pedigree
  • Phylogenetics
  • Routing