0.0.33 • Published 2 years ago

graphql-codegen-flutter-freezed-classes v0.0.33

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2 years ago

GraphQL Flutter Freezed Classes

This project aims to speed up your development of Flutter apps by generating Freezed from your GraphQL schema.


  • Generate Freezed classes for ObjectTypes
  • Generate Freezed classes for InputTypes
  • Support for EnumsTypes
  • Support for custom ScalarTypes
  • Support freeze documentation of class & properties from GraphQL SDL description comments
  • Ignore/don't generate freezed classes for certain ObjectTypes
  • [] Support arguments
  • [] Support directives
  • [] Support deprecation annotation
  • [] Support for InterfaceTypes
  • Support for UnionTypes union/sealed classes
  • Merge InputTypes with ObjectType as union/sealed class union/sealed classes


Using the CLI

 ffc generate -s schema.graphql --scalars '{"jsonb": "Map<String, dynamic>","timestamptz": "DateTime", "UUID": "String"}' -m 'Create$Input' -m 'Update$Input' -m 'Upsert$Input' -m 'Delete$Input'

Given the following GraphQL schema below

# schema.graphql
type Movie {
  id: ID!
  title: String!

input CreateMovieInput {
  title: String!

input UpsertMovieInput {
  id: ID!
  title: String!

input UpdateMovieInput {
  id: ID!
  title: String

input DeleteMovieInput {
  id: ID!

enum Episode {

type Starship {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  length: Float

interface Character {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  friends: [Character]
  appearsIn: [Episode]!

type Character {
  name: String!
  appearsIn: [Episode]!

type Human implements Character {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  friends: [Character]
  appearsIn: [Episode]!
  starships: [Starship]
  totalCredits: Int

type Droid implements Character {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  friends: [Character]
  appearsIn: [Episode]!
  primaryFunction: String

union SearchResult = Human | Droid | Starship

# tests

scalar UUID
scalar timestamptz
scalar jsonb

# cyclic references/nested types
input AInput {
  b: BInput!

input BInput {
  c: CInput!

input CInput {
  a: AInput!

type ComplexType {
  a: [String]
  b: [ID!]
  c: [Boolean!]!
  d: [[Int]]
  e: [[Float]!]
  f: [[String]!]!
  g: jsonb
  h: timestamptz!
  i: UUID!

Generated file

// app_models.dart

// with lowercaseEnums: true
enum Episode {
  @JsonKey(name: "EMPIRE") empire,
  @JsonKey(name: "JEDI") jedi,
  @JsonKey(name: "NEWHOPE") newhope,

// with lowercaseEnums: false
enum Gender {

class AInput with _$AInput{
   const factory AInput({
    required BInput b
  }) = _AInput;

  factory AInput.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$AInputFromJson(json);

class BInput with _$BInput{
   const factory BInput({
    required CInput c
  }) = _BInput;

  factory BInput.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$BInputFromJson(json);

class CInput with _$CInput{
   const factory CInput({
    required AInput a
  }) = _CInput;

  factory CInput.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$CInputFromJson(json);

class ComplexType with _$ComplexType{
   const factory ComplexType({
     List<String?>? a,
     List<String>? b,
    required List<bool> c,
     List<List<int?>?>? d,
     List<List<double?>>? e,
    required List<List<String?>> f,
     Map<String, dynamic>? g,
    required DateTime h,
    required String i
  }) = _ComplexType;

  factory ComplexType.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$ComplexTypeFromJson(json);

// TODO: Merge InputTypes with ObjectType as union/sealed classconst
class Movie with _$Movie {
  const factory Movie({
    required String id,
    required String title,
  }) = _Movie;

  const factory Movie.createInput({
    required String title,
  }) = _CreateMovieInput;

  const factory Movie.upsertInput({
    required String id,
    required String title,
  }) = _UpsertMovieInput;

  const factory Movie.updateInput({
    required String id,
    String title,
  }) = _UpdateMovieInput;

  const factory Movie.deleteInput({
    required String id,
  }) = _DeleteMovieInput;

  factory Movie.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$MovieFromJson(json);

// Without mergeInputs
class Movie with _$Movie{
  const factory Movie({
    required String id,
    required String title,
  }) = _Movie;

factory Movie.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$MovieFromJson(json);

class CreateMovieInput with _$CreateMovieInput{
  const factory CreateMovieInput({
    required String title,
  }) = _CreateMovieInput;

factory CreateMovieInput.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$CreateMovieInputFromJson(json);

class UpdateMovieInput with _$UpdateMovieInput{
  const factory UpdateMovieInput({
    required String id,
     String? title,
  }) = _UpdateMovieInput;

factory UpdateMovieInput.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$UpdateMovieInputFromJson(json);

class UpsertMovieInput with _$UpsertMovieInput{
  const factory UpsertMovieInput({
    required String id,
    required String title,
  }) = _UpsertMovieInput;

factory UpsertMovieInput.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$UpsertMovieInputFromJson(json);

class DeleteMovieInput with _$DeleteMovieInput{
  const factory DeleteMovieInput({
    required String id,
  }) = _DeleteMovieInput;

factory DeleteMovieInput.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$DeleteMovieInputFromJson(json);

Getting started

Flutter Setup

  1. Install freezed in your flutter project

  2. Install json_serializable in your flutter project

  3. Download your GraphQL schema in graphql format and place it at the root of your Flutter project

npm install -g graphqurl

gq <graphql-endpoint>  --introspect > schema.graphql

# if your graphql endpoint requires authentication:
gq <graphql-endpoint> -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" --introspect > schema.graphql

Generator setup

  1. Install the generator globally from npm

  2. Generate your Freezed classes with the CLI

CLI Usage


Generate Freezed classes from your GraphQL Schema


ffc generate [-jeuEpOS -s <string> -o <string> -f <string> -i <string> -m <string> -c <string> -w <string|string[]|boolean|undefined> -T <number>]


OptionsType DefinitionDefault valuesDescription
-s, --schemastringoptionalthe path to the GraphQL Schema. Default: ./schema.graphql
-o, --outputstringoptionalthe full path of the output file. Default: ./lib/generated/app_models.dart
-f, --fileName, --file-namestringapp_modelsthe name of the output file without the .dart extension. Appends/replaces the fileName in output option
-i, --ignore, --ignoreTypes, --ignore-typesstring[][]names of GraphQL types to ignore when generating Freezed classes
-j, --json, --fromJsonToJson, --from-json-to-jsonbooleantruegenerate fromJson and toJson methods on the classes with json_serialization
-e, --enum, --lowercaseEnums, --lowercase-enumsbooleantruemake enum fields lowercase
-u, --union, --unionConstructor, --union-constructorbooleantruegenerate empty constructors for Union Types
-m, --merge, --mergeInputs, --merge-inputsstring[][]merge InputTypes of a pattern with an ObjectType as a union/sealed class
-c, --scalars, --customScalars, --custom-scalarsstringoptionala JSON.stringify object map of custom Scalars to Dart built-in types
-w, --watchstring|string[]|booleanoptionalregenerate when GraphQL schemas changes. Accepts a boolean or an array of glob patterns
-E, --errorsOnly, --errors-onlybooleanoptionalprint only errors
-p, --usePolling, --use-pollingbooleanoptionalpoll for changes when watch is unavailable on system
-T, --intervalnumberoptionalpoll every x millisecond
-O, --overwritebooleantrueoverwrite files if they already exist
-S, --silentbooleanoptionalsuppress printing errors when they occur


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