1.0.15 • Published 2 years ago

graphql-directive-pagination v1.0.15

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2 years ago


Manipulates SQL clauses to provide pagination ability to fields in GraphQL. Easy to integrate.

A nice picture of how pagination works

This is similar to Relay's @connection directive (see graphql-directive-connection). The difference is the use of limit and offset rather than after, first, before, last. The reason for this change is to integrate better with the LIMIT and OFFSET clauses in MySQL and PostgresQL.

In addition to a @pagination directive, this package is also bundled with JS functions to help you build the GraphQL resolvers that go along with your @pagination fields.


Here are instructions on how to use this package to implement a paginated table or an infinite scroller.

It also supports scenarios where the data source has inserted new rows or documents while the client has already started paginating/scrolling.

Server-Side: TypeDefs

These are the changes you need to make to your existing typeDefs.


  • Import the paginationDirective.
  • Add the @pagination directive definition either inlined into your typeDefs, or by including paginationDirectiveTypeDefs in makeExecutableSchema.
  • Apply the transform to your schema using paginationDirectiveTransform.
import paginationDirective from 'graphql-directive-pagination'
import { makeExecutableSchema } from '@graphql-tools/schema'

const {
} = paginationDirective('pagination', {
  // The timezone of your SQL server.
  // This can be 'local', 'utc', or an offset in the form +HH:MM or -HH:MM. (Default: 'utc')
  timezone: 'utc'

// Wrap your resolvers with paginationResolver
export const pagination = paginationResolver

const typeDefs = `
  directive @pagination on FIELD_DEFINITION

  type User {
    userId: Int
    The type given to a field tagged with @pagination does not matter.
    It will be overwritten.
    Any args already present, such as this orderBy arg, will be kept.
    posts: [Post!]! @pagination

  type Post {
    postId: Int

  type Query {
    user: User

const resolvers = {}
let schema = makeExecutableSchema({
  // You can also use this:
  // typeDefs: [typeDefs, paginationDirectiveTypeDefs]

// You must also pass your resolvers into the transform:
schema = paginationDirectiveTransform(schema, resolvers)

export default schema

When you run this script, the original typeDefs you define will be transformed in this manner:

  • Append the needed Pagination, PaginationOrdering, and PaginationInfo object types.
  • Any fields tagged with @pagination will be untagged since the transform has been applied.
  • Any fields tagged with @pagination will have their return type changed to the Pagination type.

These types will be added to your schema:

type PaginationInfo {
  # Tells whether or not there are more rows available.
  # You can get these rows by performing a new query after incrementing 
  # your client-side offset.
  # E.G. offset += limit
  hasMore: Boolean!

  # moreOffset is relative to nextOffsetRelativeTo.
  # It is the offset of the next non-negative row the client doesn't have yet.
  # If hasMore is false, moreOffset is still set to the next row so that the 
  # client can make a LoadMore request after waiting some time.
  # In most cases, the client should do `setOffset(moreOffset)` after each response
  # in order to be prepared for a LoadMore event.
  moreOffset: Int!
  # Tells whether or not there are new rows available. "New rows" are not
  # the same as "more rows".
  # See the section on New Rows.
  hasNew: Int!
  # In order to get new rows, 
  # the client should send a request with: 
  # offset: $minusCountNew, 
  # limit: $countNew,
  # offsetRelativeTo: $offsetRelativeTo
  countNew: Int!
  # The client should echo nextOffsetRelativeTo back in the next request.
  nextOffsetRelativeTo: String!

input PostPagination {
  nodes: [Post!]!
  info: PaginationInfo!

input PaginationOrdering {
  index: String!
  direction: String!

In addition, the User type has been modified:

# Before:
type User {
  posts: [Post!]! @pagination

# After:
type User {
    # offset can be negative. See the section on New Rows.
    offset: Int!,
    limit: Int!, 
    # countNewLimit is used when checking how many new rows there are. 
    # See the section on New Rows.
    countNewLimit: Int,
    # At least 1 ordering should be included.
    orderings: [PaginationOrdering!]!,
    # The number of rows the client has should be passed into countLoaded on every request.
    countLoaded: Int!
    # After the initial page load, the server will respond with
    # `nextOffsetRelativeTo`.
    # This value should be echoed back in subsequent requests.
    offsetRelativeTo: String
  ): PostPagination!

Server-Side: Resolvers

This package comes with a built-in functions for building resolvers for @pagination fields.

Let's suppose you are refactoring a field which was already implemented using a regular array. Your typeDefs and resolvers looked like this originally:

// userSchema.js

export const typeDefs = `
  type User {
    posts: [Post!]!

export const resolvers = {
  User: {
    posts: async (user, args, ctx, info): Promise<Array<Post>> => {
      const posts = await PostDB.getByUserId(user.userId)
      return posts

Now you want to make this a paginated field, so you add the @pagination directive, and this is how your resolvers would change:

// userSchema.js

export const typeDefs = `
  type User {
    posts: [Post!]! @pagination

export const resolvers = {
  User: {
    posts: paginationResolver(async (user, args, ctx, info): Promise<Array<Post>> => {
      // See the SQL Queries section for instructions on how to use `args.clauses.mysql`.
      const posts = await PostDB.getByUserId(user.userId, args.clauses.mysql)
      return posts

The pagination function takes in your original resolver and provides it with args.clauses and converts the return value into a PaginationPost. You do not have to use args.clauses. See the SQL Queries section for more details.

SQL Queries

This package is primarily designed for usage with MySQL or Postgres. By performing sorting, offsetting, and limiting in the database, work is offloaded from the Node server so that it remains lightweight and performant.

If you use these, you can pass args.clauses.mysql or args.clauses.postgres into your SQL query builder. This package will then manipulate the clauses to do things such as: 1. If no offsetRelativeTo is present in the request, it performs a SELECT to determine one. 2. Once an offsetRelativeTo is determined, it performs one SELECT to get paginated rows, I.E. rows associated with a non-negative offset. 3. Also using offsetRelativeTo, it performs another SELECT to lookahead and check if there are any rows associated with a negative offset. This is used to determine countNew.

For more information on the different between positive and negative offset rows, see the section on New Rows.

If you do not use MySQL or Postgres, you can still use this package. The pagination function can detect if you use args.clauses, and it will behave differently dependeing on if you do or do not: 1. If you use args.clauses, then the pagination function expects your resolver to return an array which has already had sort, offset, and limit applied to it. 2. If you do not use args.clauses, then pagination expects an array which has not yet been sorted, offsetted, or limited. pagination will perform those operations on the returned array.

Both args.clauses.mysql and args.clauses.postgres have been SQL escaped/sanitized using mysql.format.

Here is an example of how you should edit your SQL queries to integrate with this package:

  `clauses` is passed in from the resolver's `args.clauses.mysql` or
  type Clauses = {
    mysql: {
      where?: string
      orderBy: string
      limit: string
    postgres: {
      where?: string
      orderBy: string
      offset: string
      limit: string
* */
async function getPosts(userId: string, clauses: Clauses) {
  const query = sql`
    SELECT * FROM Posts
    WHERE userId = ${userId}
    ${clauses.where ? `AND ${clauses.where}` : ''} 
    ORDER BY ${clauses.orderBy}
    LIMIT ${clauses.limit};
  const rows = await db.all(query)
  return rows

Client-Side Events

In the client, you might have these three queries for the three kinds of events that can happen:

  • Initial Page Load Event
    • When the page first loads. This package supports non-zero offsets on page load so that pagination can start on a specific starting page.
    • The server interprets requests which have offsetRelativeTo: null as a page load. It will establish the offsetRelativeTo and return it in the response as nextOffsetRelativeTo.
  • Load More / Scroll Down Event
    • After the initial page load, offsetRelativeTo has been established, and now the client can load pages associated with positive offsets.
  • Load New / Scroll Up Event
    • When new rows are added to the database, they might be associated with a negative offset, so the client needs this event to get these new rows.

See the picture at the top of this document for reference.

Here are what the queries for these events look like:

query PageLoad (
  # startingOffset = startingPage * pageSize
  $startingOffset: Int!
  $pageSize: Int!
  $orderings: [PaginationOrdering!]!
  $countLoaded: Int!
) {
  user {
      offset: $startingOffset, 
      limit: $pageSize, 
      orderings: $orderings,
      countLoaded: $countLoaded
      # notice offsetRelativeTo is blank
    ) {
      nodes {
      info {
query LoadMore (
  # pageOffset = currentPage * pageSize
  $pageOffset: Int!
  $pageSize: Int!
  $orderings: [PaginationOrdering!]!
  $countLoaded: Int!
  # The client should echo back the value of nextOffsetRelativeTo
  # which the server provided in the PageLoad response.
  $offsetRelativeTo: String!
) {
  user {
      offset: $pageOffset, 
      limit: $pageSize, 
      orderings: $orderings,
      countLoaded: $countLoaded,
      offsetRelativeTo: $offsetRelativeTo
    ) {
      nodes {
      info {
query LoadNew (
  $minusCountNew: Int!
  $countNew: Int!
  $orderings: [PaginationOrdering!]!
  $countLoaded: Int!
  # The client should echo back the value of nextOffsetRelativeTo
  # which the server provided in the PageLoad response.
  $offsetRelativeTo: String!
) {
  user {
      offset: $minusCountNew, 
      limit: $countNew, 
      orderings: $orderings,
      countLoaded: $countLoaded,
      offsetRelativeTo: $offsetRelativeTo
    ) {
      nodes {
      info {

For information about LoadNew, countNew, and why is a negative offset used to load new rows, see the section on New Rows.

New Rows

What are new rows?

Responses will include countNew. This tells how many rows there are associated with a negative offset relative to offsetRelativeTo.

When the page first loads, assuming the pagination is starting on page 0, the client has not yet established an offsetRelativeTo, so it sends a query with offsetRelativeTo: null. The server should determine an offsetRelativeTo and then send this back to the client using nextOffsetRelativeTo.

Once the client has established an offsetRelativeTo, it is possible for the database to insert more rows after the client has started paginating, and these are associated with a negative offset.

In the example of a paginated table, a negative offset would mean going to a page before the first page. There are new results which cannot be accessed, and one way to get them would be to do a full page refresh. In the case of Twitter's infinite scroller, you can scroll back to the top of the feed, and there is a button which says, "Show N New Tweets". So this is what is meant by new rows and negative offset.

How to get new rows?

Instead of doing a full page refresh, it is possible to gracefully show these new rows to the end user.

A naive way to do this would be to repeat what is done on initial page load. The client could send offsetRelativeTo: null to the server, emulating what it does on initial page load. The server would respond with a new nextOffsetRelativeTo and moreOffset which the client should accept.

This is naive because the limit in the request can cause there to be a gap in results. For example, if there are 35 new rows, and the client requests limit: 10, offsetRelativeTo: null, then the first 10 of those 35 rows will be returned, leaving a gap of 25 rows. Rows after those 25 have already been loaded by the client.

The server does respond with countNew, but a gap can still happen even if the client requests limit: $countNew, offsetRelativeTo: null. At first glance, this appears that it will get all the new rows so that there is no gap, but the problem is that countNew is old information by the time the client sends it back up in the request's limit. countNew is reported every time the client ask for more rows, but the time between the last LoadMore event and the LoadNew event could be a long time.

In order to get new rows without any possibility of there being gaps in data, the client must not pass offsetRelativeTo: null. Instead, the client should keep offsetRelativeTo in the request as it does for LoadMore events, but instead, when handling LoadNew events, it should pass in a negative offset. The server will flip the inequality in the WHERE clause and flip the sort directions in the ORDER BY clause in order to get new rows relative to offsetRelativeTo. This avoids gaps.

To recap, to get new rows, the client request should include: offset: $minusCountNew, limit: $countNew, offsetRelativeTo: $offsetRelativeTo.

See the section on Client-Side Events for an example of the LoadMore query.

How and when does the server compute countNew?

If offsetRelativeTo is included in the request, it includes a WHERE statement in the SQL query. This is equivalent to cutting the database table into two partitions, rows above the WHERE statement's inequality, and rows below. See the image at the top of this document for reference. The rows above are associated with a negative offset, and the rows below are associated with a non-negative offset.

By flipping the WHERE statement's inequality, the server can SELECT either of the two partitions, the negative offset rows or the non-negative offset rows.

So this is what this package does. It sends two SQL queries on every request which has offsetRelativeTo. It returns the positive offset rows but returns the count of the negative offset rows.

When offsetRelativeTo is not included in the request, the server will use the first row, which is associated with offset 0, to obtain the offsetRelativeTo. To do this, it performs a SQL query without a WHERE statement, so, countNew must be 0 in requests with offsetRelativeTo: null.

Limits on countNew

Taking Twitter for example again, if someone were to leave the page open, close their laptop, and come back to it later, and scroll to the top and press, "Show N New Tweets", then if implemented incorrectly, it might cause the server and database to process more data than it should because in those days when the user was inactive, many rows could have been added.

When the server asks the database for a list of new rows, I.E. rows associated with a negative offset, it must include a LIMIT on this query to avoid a scenario where there are potentially hundreds of new rows and the Node server ends up doing too much work.

By default, this package will use the limit field in the request. So the server can only lookahead as far as limit. It cannot see new rows past the limit. (BTW, when asking for new rows, in addition to flipping the inequality in the WHERE clause, the ORDER BY directions are also flipped.)

Because of this usage of limit, the server response's countNew won't be greater than the request's limit. This can impact your frontend display of countNew. In Twitter's example, they display "Show N New Tweets", where N displaying countNew. If the limit of your requests is your page size, then countNew would be limited to show a value at maximum equal to your page size.

If you would like to override this default, then you can include countNewLimit in the request. countNewLimit will only be used in the SQL query for counting new rows, and it will not affect the query for rows associated with a non-negative offset. This allows you to display "Show N New Rows" to your end users where the maximum value N can take on is specified by countNewLimit.

Additional Note: On a LoadNew request, I.E. a request with negative offset, the response will never contain rows that were associated with a non-negative offset. For example, if there were 35 new rows, it doesn't matter what offset, limit, or countNewLimit are set to, only up to 35 rows can be returned. The row that was associated with nextOffsetRelativeTo from the previous response and echoed back in the negative offset requests offsetRelativeTo will never be included in the response.


Non-Deterministic Returns

This package is designed to support a feature where the end user can select which column to sort by, for example, a table which has multiple columns like email, name, and dateCreated. However, there is an issue with sorting when multiple columns have the same sort value and they have a tie.

Suppose 3 rows have the same dateCreated. If you were to sort based on dateCreated, and the limit was 1, then the algorithm is now non-deterministic, and we aren't sure which of the 3 rows will be returned.

This kind of issue will probably not affect most use cases. It only becomes a problem when there are more tied rows than the limit. For example, if there are 10 rows with the same dateCreated, and the limit is 5, then the first query, with offset 0, will randomly return 5 of those 10 rows. The second query for the next page, offset 5, will again randomly return 5 of those 10 rows.

For something like dateCreated, it might be very rare for your application to ever see 10 rows tied. For something like the email field, you will probably never see ties since emails are unique in most cases. Every use case is different, however, so make sure to watch out for this issue, and carefully consider if your combination of sort index and limit will run into this problem.

One way to fix this is and return to deterministic behavior is to break ties by including more orderings in the orderings array. The primary column of your table is unique, so you could include this as a deterministic tie breaker in your orderings. Keep in mind, the first ordering in your orderings array is the primary sorting column, and is also used for determining offsetRelativeTo, so usually your tie breaker will not be the first ordering.

Another solution, which is not determinitic, is to not worry about it by increasing the limit until your feel confident your application won't run into this issue.


This is a feature for those using Apollo GraphQL.

By default, the cacheControl directives are not generated on Edge object types and inside pagination fields which results in cache arguments being completely ignored. Enabling defaultMaxAge for all types/fields across your GraphQL implementation partially solves the problem, however it might not be the best option. It is possible to enable the cacheControl directive support by passing a useCacheControl: true flag to the paginationDirective function. The package will then use the largest maxAge across the pagination fields with custom types and apply it to nodes and info fields.


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