0.0.4 • Published 5 years ago
graphql-import-node-as-string v0.0.4
GraphQL Import Node
This extension makes your NodeJS application able to import graphql
files. It uses require.extensions
to allow you to
import/require from .graphql
files in NodeJS environment. The imported content will be a GraphQL string as is.
This is fork of graphql-import-node, only difference is - it not use
library for parsing string, but returns string as is.
npm i graphql-import-node-as-string
After that, you need to load this library before anything else.
Usage with Node (JavaScript)
Make sure to run your NodeJS process with -r
node -r graphql-import-node/register index.js
Or, you can require it manually in your index file:
// CommonJS
// ES2016
import 'graphql-import-node-as-string';
Now you should be able to do:
const schema = require('./schema.graphql');
Usage with Jest
If you are running a test environment like Jest, you should add the following configuration to your Jest config:
"transform": {
"^.+\\.graphql$": "graphql-import-node-as-string/jest"
5 years ago