0.1.1 • Published 5 years ago

graphql-override v0.1.1

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Last release
5 years ago


graphql-override – Utility tool for handy modification of GraphQL SDL Type Definitions. ✂️


  • Handy modification of Type Definitions in GraphQL SDL or AST (but not executable schema nor executable definitions!)
  • Allows to reuse generated schema definitions to forward resolvers and share SDL code between database and server API
  • CLI & integration with graphql-config, prisma & graphql-import
  • Transparent error reporting on unauthorized actions
  • (Somehow limited, but still) GraphQL AST Editor for document & type nodes
  • very alpha (it's just a small experiment)

Override tool


$ yarn add -D graphql-override


$ npm install -D graphql-override

(graphql is a peer dependency!)


So, the main idea is to use separate overrides.graphql file to modify imported Type Definitions and generate graphql file. It allows modification & reuse of most of prisma-generated SDL without copying thousands of GraphQL SDL lines.

I think, that sometimes it's easier to write diff (also leveraging proper error reporting) than having to re-declare most types in their entirety.

The project consist of override tool (CLI + API) and simple GraphQL AST editor (DocumentEditor) on which it was build.

(Full example)

# overrides.graphql

# get override directives (to make schema valid)
# import * from '../../node_modules/graphql-override/dist/directives.graphql'

# or can just declare them anyhow - only it's name matter
# directive @create on FIELD_DEFINITION

# get all of your types (also to make schema valid)
# import * from "./schema.graphql"

# use override directives on type definition
type User @replace {
  id: ID!
  username: String
  first_name: String
  last_name: String
  full_name: String
  name: String
  avatar_url: Url

type Stat {
  # and on field definition
  views: Int @upsert
  likes: Int
  loves: Int @create
  retweets: Meta @replace
  responses: Int
$ graphql-override \
  --schema src/schema/schema.graphql \
  --overrides src/schema/overrides.graphql \
  --output src/generated/app.graphql

graphql-override: new schema saved to: src/generated/app.graphql

Avalible CRUD+ (CRURDEE?) Directives

Directives can be apply to type or field definitions in overrides file. They perform specified action on schema and are removed from output.

Currently, it's not allowed to mix type & field directives (override directives cannot be simuntaneusly applied to one type definition and its fields - only because all the combinatorics of the outcome would be hard to reason about (but it's possible to specify as many consecutive override tasks as you like in .graphqlconfig )

Directives for Type Definition or Field Definition

# Create Type|Field in schema (Error if node already exists)
directive @create on FIELD_DEFINITION

# Replace Type|Field (Error if node does not exists)
directive @replace on FIELD_DEFINITION

# Create or replace Type|Field (No errors 👌)
directive @upsert on FIELD_DEFINITION

# Remove Type|Field (Error if node is not found)
directive @remove on FIELD_DEFINITION

# Delete Type|Field (No errors, even if node is not found)
directive @delete on FIELD_DEFINITION

Directives ONLY for Type Definition

# Extend (merge) all fields, values, interfaces & directives  with type in schema
directive @extend on FIELD_DEFINITION

# Exclude (by name) all declared fields from type in schema
directive @exclude on FIELD_DEFINITION

API usage

graphQLOverride = (
  schema: string | DocumentNode,
  overrides: string | DocumentNode,
  options?: GraphQLOverrideOptions
) => DocumentNode

CLI tool

  $ graphql-override <flags>

  --config, -c      path to .graphqlconfig (if not in root dir)
  --schema, -s      path to main schema
  --overrides, -r   path to overrides
  --output, -o      location for generated file (with filename and extension)

  Example with .graphqlconfig
  $ graphql-override

  Example without .graphql config (all flags required)
  $ graphql-override -s src/schema/schema.graphql -o src/schema/overrides.graphql -o src/generated/app.graphql

Supported Types

This tool is meant to edit TypeDefs so it supports GraphqQL SDL - TypeSystemDefinition nodes (those, that are used to define schema). It does not support ExecutableDefinition (used to build queries client-side.)

type SupportedDefinitionNode =
  | TypeDefinitionNode
  | TypeExtensionNode
  | DirectiveDefinitionNode

// where
type TypeDefinitionNode =
  | ScalarTypeDefinitionNode
  | ObjectTypeDefinitionNode
  | InterfaceTypeDefinitionNode
  | UnionTypeDefinitionNode
  | EnumTypeDefinitionNode
  | InputObjectTypeDefinitionNode

type TypeExtensionNode =
  | ScalarTypeExtensionNode
  | ObjectTypeExtensionNode
  | InterfaceTypeExtensionNode
  | UnionTypeExtensionNode
  | EnumTypeExtensionNode
  | InputObjectTypeExtensionNode

(Support for SchemaDefinitionNode is in TODO)

# This is not supported :)

schema {
  query: Query

Project set-up with graphql-yoga, prisma & graphql-config

(Full example)

# prisma.yml

    - graphql get-schema --project database
    # post deploy hook to generate schema
    - graphql-override
# .graphqlconfig.yml

  # supports single & multi project config
    # generated schema is set as main schema (so codegen can generate correct types)
    schemaPath: src/generated/app.graphql
        default: http://localhost:4000
        # override tasks are an yml array of obj (can be as many as you want)
        - schema: src/schema/schema.graphql
          overrides: src/schema/overrides.graphql
          output: src/generated/app.graphql
// index.ts
import { GraphQLServer } from 'graphql-yoga'
import { resolvers } from './resolvers'

// server is runing on generated typeDefs
const server = new GraphQLServer({ typeDefs: 'src/generated/app.graphql', resolvers })
server.start(() => console.log('Server is running on localhost:4000'))


All directives are executed by some an util called DocumentEditor (and subsequent TypeEditor for editing definition nodes). It's possible to use it to conviniently and edit schema without the whole override idea. Typescript interfaces shows usage.


  • Support SchemaDefinitionNode
  • Opt-out from graphql-import
  • Improve API

See also