0.1.1 • Published 4 years ago
grex.js-test2 v0.1.1
Grex.js is a library that bindings Rust grex library to Node.js and the browser.
Original library: https://github.com/pemistahl/grex.
Grex.js has built-in TypeScript support.
Via npm:
npm i grex.js
Via yarn:
yarn add grex.js
Via pnpm:
pnpm i grex.js
Usage with native module (default export)
Import the function by named import with ES6 modules syntax:
import { buildRegex } from "grex.js";
Import the grexJS library wrapper with ES6 modules syntax:
import grexJS from "grex.js";
Import the grexJS library wrapper with require function:
const grexJS = require("grex.js"); // not recommended way with TypeScript
// In that case grexJS constant have any type.
Usage with wasm
Import the function by named import with ES6 modules syntax:
import { load } from "grex.js/wasm/(node|browser)";
Import the grexJS library wrapper with ES6 modules syntax:
import load from "grex.js/wasm/(node|browser)";
Import the grexJS library wrapper with require function:
const load = require("grex.js/wasm/(node|browser)"); // not recommended way with TypeScript
// In that case grexJS constant have any type.
Usage of AMD, Commonjs and System version of the library
If you would like to use one this version u have to specify import by passing module type to import name. Example:
const load = require("grex.js/native/index-(commonjs|amd|system).js");
const load = require("grex.js/wasm/(node|browser)/index-(commonjs|amd|system).js");