0.0.3 • Published 10 years ago

greyhound v0.0.3

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Last release
10 years ago

Greyhound (alpha)

An end-to-end testing framework for node


The following instructions will only work after the first proper release

  1. Install the Selenium Chrome Driver
  2. Create a NPM module: mkdir my-e2e-testing && cd my-e2e-testing && npm init
  3. Install Greyhound: npm i --save greyhound
  4. Check that it works: greyhound -h

Getting Started

  1. Create the required directories mkdir -p test-scripts/pages
  2. Create a page object:

    # test/scripts/pages/google/home.coffee
    {Page} = require "greyhound"
    class GoogleHome extends Page
      configure: ->
        @options.url = "http://www.google.com"
      searchBox: ->
        @findElement css: "input[name='q']"
      searchFor: (query) ->
        @searchBox().sendKeys "#{query}\n"
    module.exports = GoogleHome

    Or in Javascript:

    // test/scripts/pages/google/home.js
    var Page = require("greyhound").Page,
        util = require("util");
    function GoogleHome() {
      this.constructor.super_.apply(this, arguments);
    util.inherits(GoogleHome, Page);
    util._extend(GoogleHome.prototype, {
      configure: function () {
        this.options.url = "http://www.google.com";
      searchBox: function () {
        this.findElement({css: "input[name='q']"});
      searchFor: function (query) {
        this.searchBox().sendKeys(query + "\n");
    module.exports = GoogleHome;

    Or in LiveScript:

    # test/scripts/pages/google/home.ls
    {Page} = require \greyhound
    class GoogleHome extends Page
      configure: ->
        @options.url = \http://www.google.com
      search-box: ->
        @find-element css: \input[name:'q']
      search-for: (query) ->
        @search-box!send-keys "#query\n"
    module.exports = GoogleHome
  3. Create your first test script:

    # test-scripts/google-search.coffee
    {TestScript} = require "greyhound"
    GoogleHome = require "./pages/google/home"
    class GoogleSearch extends TestScript
      configure: ->
        @options.scriptName = "Google Search"
      execute: ->
        homePage = @page GoogleHome
        homePage.searchFor "Greyhound"
    module.exports = GoogleSearch

    Or in JavaScript:

    // test-scripts/google-search.js
    var TestScript = require("greyhound").TestScript,
        GoogleHome = require("./pages/google/home"),
        util = require("util");
    function GoogleSearch() {
      this.constructor.super_.apply(this, arguments);
    util.inherits(GoogleSearch, TestScript);
    util._extend(GoogleSearch.prototype, {
      configure: function () {
        this.options.scriptName = "Google Search";
      execute: function () {
        var homePage = this.page(GoogleHome);
    module.exports = GoogleSearch;

    Or in LiveScript:

    # test-scripts/google-search.ls
    require! {
    class GoogleSearch
      configure: ->
        @options.script-name = 'Google Search'
      execute: ->
        home-page = @page GoogleHome
        home-page.search-for \Greyhound
    module.exports = GoogleSearch
  4. Run your script $ greyhound google-search

  5. View the report in a browser



Here's my recommended set-up while developing on this project:

  1. Make sure you have the required packages installed for Growl.
  2. Fork/clone the project somewhere locally git clone git@github.com:MyMedsAndMe/greyhound.js.git
  3. Install all dependencies and globally link it sudo npm link
  4. Run the builder npm run watch-compile. As the project is built in CoffeeScript, this will continually compile the project to JavaScript, watching the files for any changes.
  5. Open another terminal and run the tests npm run watch-test. This will run the tests everytime you change a test file.
  6. If you want to try Greyhound in another project, while still developing on it, create your project and link your local version of Greyhound: npm link greyhound (make sure you have followed step 3 first).

Coding standards

  • All files to be named in lowercase and the words to be separated with hyphens.
  • Variables, properties, methods and functions to be named in camelcase, first letter must be lowercase.
  • Classes to be named in camelcase, first letter must be uppercase.
  • Use CoffeeScript's style of string concatenation.
  • Leave an empty line at the end of every file.
  • Functions to have a gap between the properties and the arrow. Ie (prop, prop2) ->
  • Functions without properties don't include the paranthesis ->
  • Be as clean as possible, make your code semantic and make your code readable without comments. Ie, use lots of nicely named functions instead.