0.0.2 • Published 11 years ago

gridfstore v0.0.2

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Last release
11 years ago


Mongoose with GridFS.
GridFS is convenient way to store files and it allows all mongodb features like clusters and sharding. This library is intended to help GridFS usage with nodejs and mongoose. It allows efficient way to store data, e.g. on the fly gzipped before storing and when gzipped data is read back gzip can be extracted on the fly.


  store arguments:
  data                      -> string|buffer|readstream
  options: { gzip: true }   -> gzip input data before store gridfs
gridfstore.store( metadata, data, [options,] callback)

/* mongoose model */
  read arguments:
  uuid                      -> store generate uuid as filename
  options: { gunzip: true } -> gunzip output data before call callback
  options: { get: true }    -> get entire data at once (default method)
  options: { stream: true } -> get data as read stream (not working yet)
gridfstore.read( uuid, [options,] callback)


var mongoose  = require('mongoose'),
   Schema = mongoose.Schema,
   gridfstore = require('../lib/gridfstore');
var myschema = new Schema({
  filename: {type: String, unique: true, required: true},
  length: {type: Number},
  metadata: {
    title: {type: String},
    owner: {type: String}

gridfstore.store( {metadata: {filename: 'test1.txt', title: 'example', owner: 'jva'}}, 
                  'this is file content',
                  function(error, meta){
    //meta == whole metadata from gridfs