2.5.1 • Published 5 years ago

groundup v2.5.1

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5 years ago


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GroundUp are a set of tools I found myself using over and over so I figured I might create them in a generic package I can simply reuse. For now, this project contains libraries for 3 scenarios: 1. Compilation tools (ductTape) 2. Backend tools (HTMLCompiler) 3. Frontend, aka browser, tools (HTMLCompiler + DOMinion)


Install with npm:

  npm install groundup



ductTape is a packaging tool that can handle JS, HTML, css and static files; merge/transpile/copy to target folder Run with node:

node ./node_modules/groundup/dist/ductTape-cli.js [applicationMap] [--watch [--build-now]]

If no parameters given, ductTape will look for an app.map.json and if not found, it will use the ductTape property from the package.json; build target files once and quit.

node ./node_modules/groundup/dist/ductTape-cli.js app.map1.json app.map2.json

with the following two exception, other arguments will be treated as paths to applications-maps (each handled seperately)

  • --watch (optional) would keep the builder running and watching for changes in source files

  • --build-now (optional, relevant only in --watch mode) will build the target files and start watching source files

node ./node_modules/groundup/dist/ductTape-cli.js app.map.json --watch --build-now

The application map

The application map is the set of instructions for the builder:

  "ductTape": {
    "source": "src/",
    "target": "dist/",
    "entries": {
      "*": "../package.json"
      "index.html": "file1.html",
      "main.js": {
        "source": ["file1.js", "tools.js"],
        "format": "es",
        "external": "vue.js",
        "minify": false
      "main.css": ["file1.less", "file2.less"],
      "webWorker.js": ["web-worker.js", "tools.js"],
      "static/": ["subfolder/"]
  • source serves as the baseline folder from which files should be copied
  • target serves as a baseline folder in which entries should be created
  • entries is a map of target files (html, css, js or files and folders that should be copied as-is) and sources
    • entry can be a simple string ("file1.html"), an array of strings (""file1.js", "tools.js""); or an object with format (amd, cjs, es, iife, umd), external (array of files that will not be bundled) and source (string or array of strings as before)
    • entry name "*" means that whenever the source file changes, buildAndWatch() will initiate automatically, as the map has changed
    • external (which are not bundled as they're a part of node_modules) are also automatically read from the current folder's package.json
    • minify (default true) when set to false the js file will not be minified
  • The package.json is a valid file to place the ductTape property and maintain all the application infromation in a single file


import { ductTape } from 'groundup'


  • minify(css) => minifiedCssString
  • render(lessString) => cssString Vendor specific prefixes (-ms, -moz and -webkit) will be automatically added in accordance to https://caniuse.com/. This uses postcss which I personally don't like but it's required by autoprefixer which is the best (if not the only?) plugin to do the job while keep itself up-to-date.
  • mapFile(fileName) => linkedFilesArray Files are linked using the @import command
  • loadFile(fileName) => fileContentWithImportsReplacdToActualFile
  • compile(fileName) => { content: minify(render(loadFile(fileName)), files: linkedFilesArray }


  • minify(html) => minifiedHtmlString
  • mapFile(fileName) => linkedFilesArray Files are linked using the <link rel="import" href="filename.html" data-replace="true" /> tag
  • loadFile(fileName) => fileContentWithImportsReplacdToActualFile
  • compile(fileName) => { content: minify(loadFile(fileName)), files: linkedFilesArray }


  • minify(js) => minifiedJsString
  • trasnpile(es6Code) => es2015Code
  • mapFile(fileName) => linkedFilesArray Files are linked using the require('filename.js') command
  • loadFile(fileName) => fileContentWithImportsReplacdToActualFile
  • compile(fileName) => { content: minify(transpile(loadFile(fileName)), files: linkedFilesArray }


  • copy(source, target)
  • mapFile(pattern) => filesMatchingPatternArray
  • addPath(path) create the path (recursively)
  • removePath(folder) Removes folder (with content)


The builder module process a fileMap and create each entry based on its inputs.

  • build(fileMap) => Promise that fileMap was processed
  • watch(fileMap) => WatchesArray


import { HtmlCompiler } from 'groundup'

HTMLCompiler is a rather simple template-engine, taking after handlebar with a few tweaks of my own

Simple example: Hello World!

Rendering the template Hello {{name}} with the data { name:'World' } will result the string 'Hello World'. by default {{string}} cannot contain HTML, as it will "escape" the HTML to protect from any malicious code. If out data was { name: '<b>World</b>' } it would have rendered to Hello &gt;b>World&gt;b>.

Rendering HTML

If you do however want to render HTML (when the data doesn't contain untrusted user input), you can use triple curly braces - Hello {{{safeName}}}. with the data { safeName: '<b>World</b>' } it would render to Hello <b>World</b>.

When data is an object

Data may contain an object, for example:


In which case the template should specify Hello {{user.name}}.

When data is a function

Data may contain a function, for example:

{name: function () { return 'world'}}

but this will be automatically identified, so the template will remain Hello {{name}}.


Conditionals allow hiding some of the template according to a variable. for example:

Hello {{?showName}}{{name}}{{/showName}}

bashowName can either be a boolean or a function returning a boolean. Hello {{?!showName}}no name provided{{/showName}} will show 'no name provided' ONLY if show equals false.

Shortcut to Object's sub-variables in the data

When data contain an object, it is possible to easily access Object's properties using '@', for example:

{{@user}}{{fName}} {{lName}}{{/user}}

is equal to

{{user.fName}} {{user.lName}}

Iterating arrays in the data

It is possible to iterate arrays in the data using the loop {{item@group}}, for example:

{{user@users}} {{name}} {{/user@users}}

Note this means the data should look like {users:{user:[{name:'John'},{name:'David'}]}}.

You may define a counter by appending to the prefix tag ':' and the name of the new variable, for example:

{{item@group:_idx}} {{_idx}} {{/item@group}}

Please note the counter doesn't appear at the closing tag.

However, if your data is a straightforward array, like this - {users:[{name:'John'},{name:'David'}]}, the loop will run on its original scope, and the iterator variable will be in the variable provided (in our case - user). In such case, the template would be:

{{user@users:_idx}} {{_idx}}. {{user.name}} {{/user@users}}


A template may refer to another template using the syntax data:template, for example {{user:userTemplate}}. In our example, the user will be sent as data for the userTemplate.

Using 'this'

Sometime you might want to retrieve the entire data. This can be done using '.'. For example, when our data contains an array of strings - {fruits:{fruit:['orange','apple','melon']}} you may print the list using the iteration command :

{{fruit@fruits}} {{.}}, {{/fruit@fruits}}

Changing the delimiters

If your template contains the string '{{' (or '}}') you might want to temporarily replace the delimiters. You can do so with the {{'startTag','endTag'}} ... '{{/'startTag','endTag'}}, for example:

{{'<?','?>'}}Hello <?name?>{{/'<?','?>'}}


It is advised that strings shouldn't be hard-coded in your structure, rather than use variables that can be translates. This can easily be done using '#string.code', for example:


The string code is comprised with two elements, separated by a '.': context and default-value. The context is meant to help you know where and how the string is used; default-value is the string that appear in case the current locale doesn't contain the string-code. It is worth to emphasize that the translation files include the full string code (in our example 'label.hello'). The default value begins after the first '.' and may contain any character (including spaces).


You can write comments in your template code by using the {{!--comment goes here--}} pattern.

Order of rendering

Let's look at this sample-data:


and the template


the variable that will be checked is sub.isVisible (and not main.isVisible). This means the order of parsing the template is crucial. It follows this logic:

  • Replace delimiters where needed
  • Remove comments
  • Handle with sub-variables
  • Handle with iterations
  • Filter out elements according to conditionals
  • Place variables
  • Translate string

It is important to note that each sub-section will go through the entire process before combining all elements together (meaning part-i will be translated before part-ii will iterate its loop)


DOMinion is a DOM updater. it gets to node tree and update the first tree while keep all existing relevant nodes intact.


DOMinion.update(current, plan, controllers, forceBind)

current and plan are two DOM trees, while controllers is a on object with init functions. When provided with controllers, it will run DOMinion.bind(current, controllers, forceBind) after the update



Map is a helper function, return a Map object with id=>{ node, parentId, children[id] }. Consider the following tree -

<ul id="list">
  <li name="item"><a href="yy"><img src="xx" /></a></li>
  <li><div>item 2</div></li>

A node's id is based on the tagName and its id attribute (ul#list), or name (li|name:item), or src (img|src:xx), or href (a|href:yy), or its content (div=item2), or it's parent-id (ul#list>li[1] or div=item2>Text[0]).


DOMinion.bind(current, controllers, forceBind)

Scan the current node tree to find elements with data-js attribute and provide them to the method provided in controller with the appropriate name. For example:

  parser.parseFromString('<div data-js="init"'>hello</div>'), 
  { init(node) { node.onclick = this.handleClick; } }

This will provide the div its onclick behaviour. node elements that have already been binded will get an attribute data-js-binded="true" and will not be rebinded, unless forceBind === true.


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