1.0.2 • Published 8 years ago

grpc-cli v1.0.2

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Last release
8 years ago


With grpc-cli you can do the following:

  • execute grpc commands
  • explore namespaces and grpc services
  • use an interactive prompt (Javascript REPL) for advanced usage

###Quick Example

>grpc-cli helloworld.proto localhost:50051 helloworld.Greeter.SayHello "{\"name\":\"World\"}"
{message: "Hello World"}


  1. install nodejs: nodejs.org
  2. install the grpc-client module:

    npm install -g grpc-cli


> grpc-cli [options] <protoFile> [hostPort] [rpcCommand] [rpcParam]


  • protoFile - required - filepath to the .proto file that will be used
  • hostPort - optional - the host and port for the GRPC server
  • rpcCommand - optional - the RPC command that will be executed, given the full namespace, use the -x option to see all available rpcCommand's
  • rpcParam - optional - the serialized json representation of the rpcCommand's parameter


-h, --help                                    give help information
-V, --version                                 output the version number
-i, --interactive                             Open an interactive prompt - Javascript REPL
-x, --explore                                 Displays available full RPC command paths for the given proto file
-u, --call-credentials <username> [password]  Username for call credentials
-c, --channel-credentials <pemFile>           Key file (.pem) OpenSSL file for secure channel credentials

###Not Implemented (yet)

  • Channel Credentials
  • Call Credintials
  • Streaming Inputs and/or outputs

###Contact Daniel Myers damyers2@cisco.com