0.6.3 • Published 9 years ago

grunt-dustjs-linkedin v0.6.3

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Last release
9 years ago

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Compile DUST files to JS.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.0

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-dustjs-linkedin --save-dev

Install dustjs-linkedin and dustjs-helpers as dependencies of your project if you need to lock to a specific version.

npm install --save dustjs-linkedin dustjs-helpers

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


This plugin was designed to work with Grunt 0.4.x. If you're still using grunt v0.3.x it's strongly recommended that you upgrade.

Dust task

Run this task with the grunt dust command.

Task targets, files and options may be specified according to the grunt Configuring tasks guide.



Type: String|Function

Specifies the name to be used for the compiled dust template's register function. Defaults to using the destination path with no extension. If a function is provided, then the arguments: data and options will be provided. Data will contain file. Options are a copy of the options given to the task.


Type: Boolean|Function

Resolves a module path based on a template name. Resolve is used to resolve templates included via the partial feature in DustJS. Defaults to using the default name function to resolve partial templates. If a function is provided, then the arguments: data and options will be provided. Data will contain file. Options are a copy of the options given to the task. Returning false will tell the task to ignore that partial.


Type: Object

Default: {}

Specifies custom optimizers to configure the dust compiler with.


Type: Boolean|String|Function

Default: false

Specifies if and how to wrap the compiled dust template. Allowed values: amd and commonjs. If you provide a function, then the arguments: data and options will be provided. Data will contain file, name, helper, compiled and dependencies. Options are a copy of the options given to the task. The string you return will be used as the final compiled output.


Type: Boolean|String|Function

Default: false

Specifies if and what exports to use for the wrapper. Allowed values: dust, q and bluebird. If you provide a function, then the arguments: data and options will be provided. Data will contain file, name, compiled and dependencies. The string you return will be used inside the wrapper. The dust helper will return exports with the methods render and renderSync.


Type: Object

Default: {}

Specifies dependencies to include in the wrapper. Keys are used as the variable names and values are used as the paths for requiring.


Type: String

Default: empty string

Specifies a string that will be prepended to the compiled output. Template strings (e.g. <%= config.value %> will be expanded automatically.


Type: String

Default: empty string

Specifies a string that will be appended to the compiled output. Template strings (e.g. <%= config.value %> will be expanded automatically.

Usage Examples

Basic Grunt configuration

dust: {
  options: {
    wrapper: "amd",
    helper: "dust",
    dependencies: {
      dust: "dust"
    optimizers: {
      format: function(ctx, node) { return node; }
  build: {
    expand: true,
    cwd: "src",
    src: "**/*.dust",
    dest: "dist",
    ext: ".js",
    filter: "isFile"

Rendering a template with the AMD wrapper and the Dust helper

define(["./templates/my-template"], function(MyTemplate) {
  MyTemplate.render({key: "value"}, function(error, output) {


  try {
    var output = MyTemplate.renderSync({key: "value"});
  catch(error) {


Rendering a template with the CommonJS wrapper and the Q helper

var MyTemplate = require("./templates/my-template");

MyTemplate.render({key: "value"})
.then(function(output) {

.catch(function(error) {


Q.fcall(MyTemplate.renderSync, {key: "value"})
.then(function(output) {

.catch(function(error) {


RequireJS Plugin

A plugin for RequireJS is included for compiling Dust templates into the same format as the AMD wrapper. Note: The following dependencies are required: dust-full (dustjs-linkedin), text (requirejs) and optionally, q.



Type: String

Default: empty string

Specifies a URL to prepend to the template's module path before requiring.


Type: String

Default: .dust

Specifies the extension used for your Dust templates.


Type: Boolean|String|Function

Default: false

Specifies if and what exports to use for the wrapper. Allowed values: dust, q and bluebird. If you provide a function, then the arguments: name will be provided. The object you return will be used inside the wrapper. The dust helper will return exports with the methods render and renderSync.


Type: Function

Specifies the name to be used for the compiled dust template's register function. Defaults to using the destination path with no extension. If a function is provided, then the arguments: name will be provided.


Type: Boolean|Function

Resolves a module path based on a template name. Resolve is used to resolve templates included via the partial feature in DustJS. Defaults to using the default name function to resolve partial templates. If a function is provided, then the arguments: name will be provided. Returning false will tell the task to ignore that partial.

Usage Examples

Basic Require configuration

  config: {
    dustc: {
      url: '',
      ext: '.dust',
      helper: 'dust'

Rendering a template with the AMD wrapper and the Dust helper

define(["dustc!./templates/my-template"], function(MyTemplate) {
  MyTemplate.render({key: "value"}, function(error, output) {


  try {
    var output = MyTemplate.renderSync({key: "value"});
  catch(error) {


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