grunt-inline2js v0.1.0
Inline file content (eg. HTML, CSS, or even other JS files) into JS files with Grunt.
You can use this to for example inline templates into your JS files, inline CSS, or pretty much anything else.
The plugin works by replacing a call to a template function with the contents of the file passed as its parameter.
var stuff = __tpl('path/to/file.html');
is turned into...
var stuff = 'contents of file are put here';
Task options
inline2js: {
options: {
templateFunction: '__tpl'
files: {
src: ['src/*.js'],
dest: 'build/'
The templateFunction
option defines which function name is used as the template function. Defaults to __tpl
You define which files should be processed using the standard Grunt file syntax, as shown in the files
attribute. Note: if destionation is a directory, full path names are kept for source files.
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
11 years ago