grunt-jsonfile v1.2.1
use objects or json files as template, to create, modify and distribute jsonfiles.
When running a complex make for various environments, types like test|production and/or os targets, json configuration files might be required, which differ in specific properties.
grunt-jsonfile offers the opportunity to:
- provide json templates
- customize templates by merging in values
- customize templates by removing values
- customize templates by updating values
- write modified templates to json files into custom (build) directories
- use project package.json files as templates
Usage (see further down this page)
getting started
This guide assumes, that you are familiar with the use of npm and grunt.
The plugin can be installed by the following command:
npm install grunt-jsonfiles --save-dev
Do note forget to install the peer dependencies.
Once installed, the plugin may be loaded from within your gruntfile:
grunt.loadNpmTasks( "jsonfiles" );
Setup the task configuration as described below (see usage) and run the task:
grunt jsonfiles
Of cause, the task can be integrated into any complex build process.
defining an EOF
If option.EOF is truthy, jsonfiles will close with an operating system specifc EOL (end of line)
const jsonfile = {
options: {
EOF: true
defining templates
The following example defines two templates in the options section of 'jsonfile'.
// Templates are identified by name. This example defines two templates, which
// can be referenced by "tmpl1" and "tmpl2"
const jsonfile = {
templates: {
tmpl1: "config/template.json", // strings will be interpreted as path to
// json files, which will be required and
// used as template.
tmpl2: { // objects will directly be used as
pname1: 5, // template
pname2: true,
pname3: "value",
aproperty: "a aproperty will be deleted"
The following examples define templates directly within their targets.
const BUILD = "...some path";
const jsonfile = {
target1: {
template: "config/template.json", // template is a string value, and does not
// reference a template in options.templates.
// Therefor it will be interpreted as path to
// a json file, which will be required.
dest: `${ BUILD }/file.json`, // write the result to this file.
const BUILD = "...some path";
const jsonfile = {
target1: {
template: { // a template object
pname1: 5,
pname2: true,
pname3: "value",
aproperty: "a aproperty will be deleted"
dest: `${ BUILD }/file.json`, // write the result to this file.
referencing templates
// Target 'target1' references a template in options.templates
const BUILD = "...some path";
const jsonfile = {
templates: {
tmpl1: "config/template.json" // read the json file and use the resulting
// object as template.
target1: {
template: "tmpl1", // template is a string value, and references
// a template in options.templates which will
// be used.
dest: [ // write the result to all files in this array
`${ BUILD }/1/file.json`,
`${ BUILD }/2/file.json`,
`${ BUILD }/3/file.json`
setting template values
Setting a value to a property of a template can mean:
- creating a template property if it did not yet exist
- overwriting the value of an existing template property
const BUILD = "...some path";
const jsonfile = {
target1: {
template: { // a template object
pname1: 5,
pname2: true,
pname3: { key: "value" },
aproperty: "a aproperty will be deleted"
dest: `${ BUILD }/file.json`, // write the result to this file.
set: {
pname1: "value 5 replaced", // this will set template.pname1 to
// "value 5 replaced"
pname2: undefined, // this will set template.pname2 to
// undefined
pname3: { other: "instance" }, // this will set template.pname3 to
// another instance.
aproperty: null // this will set template.aproperty to
// null
merging template values
Merging properties into templates means
- inserting properties which did not yet exist
- setting values to properties that do exist
- deleting templates properties if value to merge is null
- mering will iterate into object trees
const BUILD = "...some path";
const jsonfile = {
target1: {
template: { // a template object
pname1: 5,
pname2: true,
pname3: { key: "value" },
aproperty: "a aproperty will be deleted"
dest: `${ BUILD }/file.json`, // write the result to this file.
merge: {
pname3: { key: { test: "fun" }}, // this will replace value by { test: "fun" }
aproperty: undefined // this will remove aproperty from template
updating template values
Updating template properties means
- setting a value to a template property that exists
- ignoring properties that do not exist in the template
const BUILD = "...some path";
const jsonfile = {
target1: {
template: { // a template object
pname1: 5,
pname2: true,
pname3: { key: "value" },
aproperty: "a aproperty will be deleted"
dest: `${ BUILD }/file.json`, // write the result to this file.
update: {
pname1: "fun", // will set template.pname1 to "fun"
xproperty: "uups" // will change nothing, because there is
// no xproperty in template.