2.0.4 • Published 8 years ago

grunt-kapocs v2.0.4

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Last release
8 years ago


Cache busting grunt plugin. Works with any file type.

Appends an MD5 hash to asset file names, and injects file names into templates.

Appending a hash to file names based on their contents ensures that each time a file's content changes, browsers will download the updated file from the server, rather than using the old, cached version. This is called cache busting.

A more detailed explanation of HTTP caching & cache busting.

Example project

Folder layout

Let's take the following folder layout:

|- build
|  |- <This is where we want the final output>
|- src
|  |- assets
|  |  |- <Files that should be renamed, like images or videos>
|  |- asset_templates
|  |  |- <Files that should be renamed, but also refer to other assets, like CSS or JS>
|  |- templates
|     |- <Files that refer to assets, but should NOT be renamed, like HTML>
|- Gruntfile.js


Add the kapocs task to the config object in Gruntfile.js like this:

kapocs: {
	my_target: {
		assets: [{
			expand: true,
			cwd: 'src/assets',
			dot: true,
			src: ['**'],
			dest: 'build'
		assetTemplates: [{
			expand: true,
			cwd: 'src/asset_templates',
			dot: true,
			src: ['**'],
			dest: 'build'
		templates: [{
			expand: true,
			cwd: 'src/templates',
			dot: true,
			src: ['**'],
			dest: 'build'


Running grunt kapocs:my_target will:

  1. Copy all the assets from src/assets to build, appending a hash to their file names.
  • A file called src/assets/images/image.jpg will be copied to build/images/image.<md5-hash>.jpg.
  1. Copy all the files from src/asset_templates to build, appending an MD5 hash to their file names, and expanding asset references in their contents.
  • A file called src/asset_templates/style/my-style.css will be copied to build/style/my-style.<md5-hash>.css.
  • If an asset template contains {{image.jpg}} or {{src/assets/images/image.jpg}}, each such reference will be replaced with image.<md5-hash>.jpg.
  1. Copy all the files from src/templates to build, expanding asset references in their contents.
  • A file called src/templates/index.html will be copied to build/index.html.
  • If a template contains {{my-style.css}} or {{src/asset_templates/style/my-style.css}}, each such reference will be replaced with my-style.<md5-hash>.css.


You can install grunt-kapocs from NPM by doing:

npm install grunt-kapocs --save-dev

Don't forget to reference it in your Gruntfile.js:



Add the kapocs task to your Grunt config:

	kapocs: {
		my_target: {
			options: {
				// Options go here
			assets: [
				// JPG, PNG, MP4, and other assets
			assetTemplates: [
				// CSS, JS and other asset templates
			templates: [
				// HTML, PHP and other templates

The assets, assetTemplates and templates arrays should contain Grunt file references in the format specified in the Grunt docs.

Each of these file references may also contain grunt.file.copy options. This allows you to specify an encoding, for example.


Assets are usually binary files, like image or video files. You will want to append an MD5 hash to their file names to ensure they get cached only until they change.

Assets will be copied from the sources specified in src to the destination folder specified in dest.

They will also be renamed to include an MD5 hash in the file name, based on their contents. A file called video.mp4 will be renamed to video.<md5-hash>.mp4.


Templates are text files that contain references to assets or asset templates. They can be HTML, PHP, or in fact any other text file format. Their encoding can be set on the Grunt file references in Gruntfile.js.

Templates contain references to assets in the format {{image.jpg}} or {{path/to/image.jpg}} (the latter is based on the asset source path from the folder where Gruntfile.js is.

These references will be replaced with the new file name of each asset. Please note that the file path will not be included, only the name. This means that both of the above references will be replaced with image.<md5-hash>.jpg in the templates.

Each template file will also be copied to the destination folder specified in the dest property.

Asset templates

Asset templates are text files that contain references to assets or asset templates, just like templates. But asset templates may be cached by the browser, and we want to ensure that when they change, the browser always loads the latest version.

A good example of asset templates is CSS or JS files, which refer to assets (images, fonts, etc.), but are in turn referenced by HTML or PHP files.


The following options may be specified in the Grunt config:


Type: string Default: '{{'

The prefix for references. Changing this will alter the reference format that grunt-kapocs is searching for in templates and asset templates.


Type: string Default: '}}'

The suffix for references. Changing this will alter the reference format that grunt-kapocs is searching for in templates and asset templates.


Type: string Default: 'tmp'

The temporary folder, where intermediate files may be placed. Asset templates are processed in two steps, so they will be copied here in the first step.

You may want to clean this folder using the grunt-contrib-clean plugin after running grunt-kapocs.


This section explains how to build grunt-kapocs when you wish to contribute bug fixes or new features to the project.


  • You'll need grunt-cli to have a local copy of Grunt for this project.
  • You'll also need Bower to fetch the dependencies.

Building tasks/kapocs.js

  1. Clone the repo and enter its folder.
  2. Issue npm install to install the required NPM packages.
  3. Issue grunt update to download dependencies and move them to the lib folder.
  • If you see any errors, resolve them by issuing bower prune, bower update and bower install manually and resolve conflicts. Once all conflicts are resolved, do grunt update again.
  1. Issue grunt to build.

Running tests

  1. Enter the test folder.
  2. Issue npm install to install the required NPM packages.
  3. Issue grunt --force. The --force option is necessary as during testing the task throws some intentional errors.

Coding style

grunt-kapocs is written in TypeScript.

Indent with tabs, please.


8 years ago


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