0.1.1-2 • Published 8 years ago

grunt-karma-sourcescopy v0.1.1-2

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Last release
8 years ago


This is based on grunt usemin and grunt useminlist.

This plugins purpose is to js and css sources from a html file into a javascript file (e.g. gruntfile) to keep the exact loading order of files intact within testing environments. It was initially created to be used with karma.

By default the plugin turns these sources into a specific format that is used by karma in the gruntfile/karma.conf. This format looks like the following: { src: 'path/to/some/source.js' },. This can however be configured to output different formats to suit individual needs.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.1

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-karma-sourcescopy

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "grunt-karma-sourcescopy" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named grunt-karma-sourcescopy to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

  'grunt-karma-sourcescopy': {
    options: {
      src: 'path/to/html/index.html',
      dest: 'path/to/output/gruntfile.js', // The gruntfile that will be created/overwritten. Defaults to targetFile.
      log: false, //log to console
      targetFile: 'path/to/gruntfile.js',
      environment: 'dev', // Looks for this enviroment in the gruntfile. Explained below.
      sourcePrefix: '{ src:', // Explained below
      sourcePostfix: '}' // Explained below



Type: String REQUIRED

The HTML file that needs to be parsed. This is the file where the plugin searches for sources for JS and CSS files to insert into the targetFile.


Type: String REQUIRED

The gruntfile where the plugin will look for the required tags to insert the sources into.


Type: String OPTIONAL

This is the file that will be created or overwritten by the program. Can be used if you have a template gruntfile. If left blank, it defaults to your targetFile and simply overwrites that.


Type: Boolean OPTIONAL

Logs certain output to the console.


Type: String OPTIONAL

Declares if you would like to see the json object logged in the console.


Type: String OPTIONAL Defaults to: '{ src:'

This is the output structure used to tell plugin how it should output sources. It will output this before it outputs the actual source, like so: '{ src: <'SOURCE'>'. This makes it possible to customize the output to individual needs.


Type: String OPTIONAL Defaults to: '}'

Like the sourcePrefix, this also tells the plugin information about how to output sources. The sourcePostfix will make the plugin output this after it outputs the actual source, like so: '<'SOURCE'> }'.

Given defaults for both sourcePrefix and sourcePostfix, it would create a line for each source in the input file looking like this: '{ src: <'SOURCE'> }'.

Required tag in targetFile

The plugin will search for a certain tag in order to determine where it needs to insert the sources. The tags:

<!-- srccpy:begin -->
<!-- srccpy:end -->

Everything within these tags will be removed and replaced with the sources that the plugin finds in the src file. The above example contains no environment variable and will thus be used when no environment variable is set in options.

If you instead want to use the tags with only a specific environment, like development only/production only, you can set the environment tag as follows:

<!-- srccpy:begin dev -->
<!-- srccpy:end -->

This tells the plugin that if the environment variable in options is set to 'dev', this is where it needs to insert the sources.

Usage Examples

The plugin is mainly created to modify your gruntfile.js to get all the sources from a html file. The set of tags needs to be inserted into the targetFile, placed where the sources need to be inserted.

Below is an example where two different environments have been set, to describe both the development build and the production build.

karma: {
    options: {
        configFile: 'karma.conf.js'
    run: {
        singleRun: true,
        files: [
            <!-- srccpy:begin run -->
            <!-- srccpy:end -->
    dev: {
        singleRun: false,
        files: [
            <!-- srccpy:begin dev -->
            <!-- srccpy:end -->

Future Todos

There are a few pieces currently missing that I would like to have implemented into the project. Currently the list is:

  • It is currently possibile to choose your own Source structures, but this can be confusing. I would like a more user friendly way of doing this.
  • Implement RequireJs support


Release History

0.1 Project started


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago