0.0.6 • Published 8 years ago

grunt-kopper-serverless v0.0.6

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8 years ago


A grunt utility for easily testing and deploying AWS lambda + AWS api gateway apis/apps.

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##there is a library too! Use https://github.com/benconnito/kopper-serverless for developing the lambda functions. It has some Error classes, success/fail wrappers, and an AWS config method.

##Getting Started

npm install grunt-kopper-serverless

##usage Unlike most grunt plugins where you grunt.loadNpmTask this library is just some helper methods for auto setting up your config and adding some run, test, and deploy methods.

See the example Gruntfile.js for an example of what to write.

##test helpers

grunt-kopper-serverless uses nodeunit + grunt-contrib-nodeunit for tests. You will need to add a test for each lambda function that you create. place it in /test/api/LAMBDA_NAME/test.js

var Kopper = require('grunt-kopper-serverless');

exports.testMyFirstLambda = {
	testOK: function (test) {
		Kopper.Test.ok(__dirname + '/../../../examples/lambda', 'my-first-lambda', test, {
			isLocal: true,
			id: 'test'
	testFail: function(test){
		Kopper.Test.fail(__dirname + '/../../../examples/lambda', 'my-first-lambda', test, {
			isLocal: true,
			id: 'test'
	testWithContext: function (test) {
		Kopper.Test.test(__dirname + '/../../../examples/lambda', 'my-first-lambda', {
			isLocal: true,
			id: 'test'
		}, {
			succeed: function (response) {
				test.ok(response.message, 'there is a message');
			fail: function (error) {
				test.ok(false, error.toString());

##api definition

See api.js for an example api definition file.

##running a local api with apache and cgi-node

If you've set up an api definition. You can run a local version of it via apache and cgi-node.

cgi-node is located at cgi or at https://github.com/UeiRicho/cgi-node

Copy this file into your lambdas folder directory along with app.js.

Replace REAPLACE-cgi-node.min.cgi file with cgi-node from /cgi folder in this repo. Then replace the NODE_EXECUTABLE_PATH and TEMP_PATH values.

Change 'api' in app.js to to whatever file you named your api definition file. The router uses require() to include it.

Then set up your apache directory directive like this:

Options +ExecCGI
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
AddHandler cgi-node .js
Action cgi-node /cgi-node.min.cgi

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ app.js [QSA,L]