0.2.6 • Published 9 years ago

grunt-ngdocs-mourasman v0.2.6

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9 years ago

#grunt-ngdocs Grunt plugin to create a documentation like AngularJS NOTE: this plugin requires Grunt 0.4.x

ATTENTION: grunt-ngdocs 0.2+ is for angularjs 1.2+ grunt-ngdocs 0.2.5 supports angularjs 1.3+ too Please include angular.js and angular-animate.js with the scripts option

##Getting Started From the same directory as your project's Gruntfile and package.json, install this plugin with the following command:

npm install grunt-ngdocs --save-dev

Once that's done, add this line to your project's Gruntfile:


A full working example can be found at https://github.com/m7r/grunt-ngdocs-example

##Config Inside your Gruntfile.js file, add a section named ngdocs. Here's a simple example:

ngdocs: {
  all: ['src/**/*.js']

And with many options:

ngdocs: {
  options: {
    dest: 'docs',
    scripts: ['../app.min.js'],
    html5Mode: true,
    startPage: '/api',
    title: "My Awesome Docs",
    image: "path/to/my/image.png",
    imageLink: "http://my-domain.com",
    titleLink: "/api",
    bestMatch: true,
    analytics: {
          account: 'UA-08150815-0',
          domainName: 'my-domain.com'
    discussions: {
          shortName: 'my',
          url: 'http://my-domain.com',
          dev: false
  tutorial: {
    src: ['content/tutorial/*.ngdoc'],
    title: 'Tutorial'
  api: {
    src: ['src/**/*.js', '!src/**/*.spec.js'],
    title: 'API Documentation'


####dest default 'docs' Folder relative to your Gruntfile where the documentation should be built.

####scripts default Set which angular.js file or addional custom js files are loaded to the app. This allows the live examples to use custom directives, services, etc. The documentation app works with angular.js 1.2+ and 1.3+. If you include your own angular.js include angular-animate.js too.

Possible values:

####deferLoad default 'false' If you want to use requirejs as loader set this to true. Include 'js/angular-bootstrap.js', 'js/angular-bootstrap-prettify.js', 'js/docs-setup.js', 'js/docs.js' with requirejs and finally bootstrap the app angular.bootstrap(document, ['docsApp']);.

####styles default Copy additional css files to the documentation app

####analytics Optional include Google Analytics in the documentation app.

####discussions Optional include discussions in the documentation app.

####editExample default true Show Edit Button for examples.

####title default "name" or "title" field in pkg Title to put on the navbar and the page's title attribute. By default, tries to find the title in the pkg. If it can't find it, it will go to an empty string.

####startPage default '/api' Set first page to open.

####html5Mode default 'true' Whether or not to enable html5Mode in the docs application. If true, then links will be absolute. If false, they will be prefixed by #/.

####image A URL or relative path to an image file to use in the top navbar.

####titleLink default no anchor tag is used Wraps the title text in an anchor tag with the provided URL.

####imageLink default no anchor tag is used Wraps the navbar image in an anchor tag with the provided URL.

####bestMatch default false The best matching page for a search query is highlighted and get selected on return. If this option is set to true the best match is shown below the search field in an dropdown menu. Use this for long lists where the highlight is often not visible.

####navTemplate default null Path to a template of a nav HTML template to include. The css for it should be that of listitems inside a bootstrap navbar:

<header class="header">
  <div class="navbar">
    <ul class="nav">
      {{links to all the docs pages}}

Example: 'templates/my-nav.html'

The template, if specified, is pre-processed using grunt.template.

###Targets Each grunt target creates a section in the documentation app.

####src required List of files to parse for documentation comments.

####title default 'API Documentation' Set the name for the section in the documentation app.

####api default true for target api Set the sidebar to advanced mode, with sections for modules, services, etc.

##How it works The task parses the specified files for doc comments and extracts them into partial html files for the documentation app.

At first run, all necessary files will be copied to the destination folder. After that, only index.html, js/docs-setup.js, and the partials will be overwritten.

Partials that are no longer needed will not be deleted. Use, for example, the grunt-contrib-clean task to clean the docs folder before creating a distribution build.

After an update of grunt-ngdocs you should clean the docs folder too.

A doc comment looks like this:

 * @ngdoc directive
 * @name rfx.directive:rAutogrow
 * @element textarea
 * @function
 * @description
 * Resize textarea automatically to the size of its text content.
 * **Note:** ie<9 needs pollyfill for window.getComputedStyle
 * @example
   <example module="rfx">
     <file name="index.html">
         <textarea ng-model="text"rx-autogrow class="input-block-level"></textarea>
angular.module('rfx', []).directive('rAutogrow', function() {
  //some nice code

Check out the Writing AngularJS documentation wiki article to see what's possible, or take a look at the AngularJS source code for more examples.

##Batarang If your examples are empty you maybe have batarang enabled for the docs site. This is the same issue as on http://docs.angular.js and the batarang team is informed about it #68.

##License MIT License