0.2.2 • Published 9 years ago

grunt-template-export v0.2.2

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Last release
9 years ago


Note this task is a grunt wrapper for template-export.

A grunt multi-task, in MVC terms, a controller that acts as a near-transparent liason between a model and a view (referred to as a translator within this project). It enables the simple, yet highly custom exporting of templates (or other content) to a given destination.

The template-export task has four primary concerns:

  1. for each source => dest pair specified in the task's options, fetch a model from a user-defined module
  2. pass the contents of source, along with the model, through a user-defined translation module
  3. write the result of (2) to dest
  4. enforce a light-handed, yet reasonable separation between the model and the translator

The magic is in the fact that the model fetching and translation are both handeled by user-defined modules that simply need to expose a pre-determined API. As long as the modules follow this API, they can do anything they need to under-the-hood in order to generate the proper output. Specifying an implementation for either of these modules is optional.


npm install --save lzilioli/grunt-template-export

Configuring The Task

var handlebars = require( 'handlebars' );

  template-export: {
    options: {
      /* NOTE: The opts argument passed to model.getModel, model.init,
       * translator.init, and translator.translate will contain all of
       * the options passed in except for the following 3
       * reserved keys (explained below):
       *  [ sourceFiles | translator | model ] */
      sourceFiles: {
        /* Arg for [lz-node-utils.file.expandSourceFiles](http://github.com/lzilioli-lz-node-utils) */
        templates: [ 'templates/**/*.tmpl' ],
        posts: [ 'blog/posts/**/*.md' ]
      /* Below are the default implementations for a model and a
       * translator. If you don't provide either in the task options,
       * the default implementation will be used. Additionally,
       * if the model or translator that you provide omits one
       * of the expected functions, the task will fall back on the
       * implementations provided below for that function only. */
      model: {
        init: _.noop,
        getModel: function() { return { }; }
      translator: {
        init: _.noop,
        translate: _.identity
        // _.identity is a fn that returns it's first arg
    /****** EXAMPLES ************************************/
    // Export the homepage, specified by templates/index.tmpl to
    // export/blog.html, registering all partials in sourceFiles.templates
    // as handlebars partials
    homepage: {
      src: [ 'src/templates/index.tmpl' ],
      dest: [ 'export/blog/index.html' ],
      options: {
        /* A default handlebars translator is provided. This
         * translator will automatically register all of the
         * templates specified in options.templates that pass
         * the isPartial test with handlebars with the name
         * returned by getPartialName.
         * During translation, your template will be run through
         * handlebars with the designated partials registered.
         * See the below "Extending the Default Translator" section
         * for an example on inheriting some of the default handlebars
         * translator's functionality. */
        translator: require('template-export').translators.handlebars(
          /* You must pass handlebars as your first argument
           * (see v0.0.2 commit for v0.0.2 for an explanation) */
          /* The second argument is optional. It allows you to
           * specify functions to determine if a template
           * should be considered a partial (isPartial), and if so,
           * what name to register with handlebars (getPartialName)
           * If either is omitted, the default implementations
           * (shown below) will be used. */
            getPartialName: function( partialPath ) {
              // The relative path of the partial from sourceDir, without the .tmpl extension
              return partialPath.replace( '.tmpl', '' );
            isPartial: function( filePath ) {
              // Something is considered a partial if the filename begins with `_`
              return path.basename( filePath )[ 0 ] === '_';
    // Render all of the templates in templates/**/*.tmpl out to
    // their corresponding location in build/static with the
    // .html extension, using a static model specified with JSON
    all: {
      expand: true,
      cwd: 'templates',
      src: [ '**/*.tmpl' ],
      dest: 'build/static',
      options: {
        translator: require( 'template-export' ).translators.handlebars(handlebars),
        model: {
          getModel: function(){ grunt.file.readJSON( 'model.json' ) }
    // Move all of the files in templates/**/*.tmpl out to
    // their corresponding location in build/templates
    // (since this falls back on the default implementations for
    // the model and the translator, the templates pass-through the
    // task without being altered).
    move: {
      src: 'templates/**/*.tmpl',
      dest: 'build/templates'



-- see the Configuring the Task section above for an explanation of this argument


function( sourceFiles, opts )
  • return -- none
  • sourceFiles -- see the Configuring the Task section above for an explanation of this argument
  • opts -- all options passed to the task except ( translator, model, sourceFiles )
function( templateContents, model, opts, templatePath )
  • return -- string
  • templateContents -- the contents of the template being translated
  • model -- the model as returned by options.model.getModel()
  • opts -- all options passed to the task except ( translator, model, templates )
  • templatePath -- the path to the source template containing templateContents


function( sourceFiles, opts )
  • return -- none
  • sourceFiles -- see the Configuring the Task section above for an explanation of this argument
  • opts -- all options passed to the task except ( translator, model, templates )
function( opts, templatePath, templateContents )
  • return -- Object
  • opts -- all options passed to the task except ( translator, model, templates )
  • templatePath -- the path to the source template containing templateContents
  • templateContents -- the contents of the template being translated
  • theTemplates -- list of template files as passed to options.templates