1.1.0 • Published 9 years ago

grunt-typescript-notify v1.1.0

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Last release
9 years ago


Growl notifications for grunt-typescript

Send Growl notifications when grunt-typescript completes a build.

Lets you know if things are good :white_check_mark: or bad :x: without having to check your console (especially useful with grunt-typescript's watch option).

See grunt-notify for the list of supported Growl-like notification apps supported.


$ npm install grunt-typescript-notify --save-dev

NOTE: grunt-typescript-notify currently needs a pre-release version of grunt-typescript to work properly:

// package.json
	"dependencies": {
		"grunt-typescript": "git://github.com/Coridyn/grunt-typescript#feat/grunt-raise-success-event"
		// ...

Once installed, enable it in your Gruntfile.js:



These are the default options for the notifications, you can override them in your Gruntfile.js.

grunt-typescript-notify is configured as a Grunt multitask so you can customise the images/message on a per-task basis.


	'typescript-notify': {
		options: {
			success: {
				title: 'SUCCESS - TypeScript compile',
				message: '<best-guess at project name from package.json>',
				image: '<full path to success image>'
			failed: {
				title: 'FAILED - TypeScript compile',
				message: '<best-guess at project name from package.json>',
				image: '<full path to failed image>'
		build: {
			options: {
				// Custom options for this task - e.g. different images.
				// Same properties as above.
		specs: {
			options: {
				// Custom options for this task - e.g. different images.
				// Same properties as above.


To use grunt-typescript-notify simply invoke the task before your usual grunt-typescript task.

Here is are two example tasks that add different notifications for TypeScript source and spec builds:

grunt.registerTask('ts-build', [

grunt.registerTask('ts-specs', [

Then run your aggregate task to receive notifications for that build:

$ grunt ts-build

$ grunt ts-specs

TypeScript watch

You can use grunt-concurrent to run multiple watchers simultaneously. This is really useful with grunt-typescript's watch behaviour (which speeds up builds considerably).

This lets you run multiple tasks simultaneously.

grunt.registerTask('ts-build-watch', function(){
	// Customise the options for this run.
	grunt.config.set('typesript.build.options.watch', true);

grunt.registerTask('ts-specs-watch', function(){
	// Customise the options for this run.
	grunt.config.set('typesript.specs.options.watch', true);

grunt.registerTask('ts-watch-all', [


Success/failed/error images borrowed from: https://github.com/karma-runner/karma-growl-reporter

"Thumb" icon from: http://www.flaticon.com/