1.0.0 • Published 6 years ago

gsheet v1.0.0

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6 years ago

Google Spreadsheet Object API (Node.js)

This is Node.js module for creating Sheet objects that can fetch or push data to online Google Sheets.

  • Local changes - all data fetched or pushed at once to preserve order
  • Ability to create new Spreadsheets

Coming soon:

  • Methods for storing and pulling NoSQL databases
  • Security features



  • Node "async"


  • Move the folder into your work directory

  • Copy the files in the "Google Apps" folder into a Google Apps Script

  • Publish the Google Apps Script as yourself with anonymous access

  • Run node test.js to verify functionality

Basic Usage

var GSheet = require('./googlesheets');
var async   = require('async');

var url = 'Google-App-Scripts-exec';
var ID = 'Spreadsheet-ID';
var name = 'Sheet-Name';

var sheet = new GSheet(url, ID, name);

// Create and send a sheet
sheet.setRow(0, ["a", "b", "c", "d"]);
sheet.setRow(1, ["1", "2", "3", "4"]);
sheet.setRow(2, ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]);
sheet.setRow(3, ["5", "6", "7"]);

console.log("\nOriginal Sheet:")

// Get a sheet
var newSheet = new GSheet(url, ID, name);
	function(step) {
	function(step) {
		console.log("\nNew Sheet:")
	function(step) {
		newSheet.setRow(5, ["8", "9"]);
		console.log("\nUpdated Sheet:");

should give

Original Sheet:

  Name: Data
    Row 0: a; b; c; d;  ;
    Row 1: 1; 2; 3; 4;  ;
    Row 2: A; B; C; D; E;
    Row 3: 5; 6; 7;  ;  ;

New Sheet:

  Name: Data
    Row 0: a; b; c; d;  ;
    Row 1: 1; 2; 3; 4;  ;
    Row 2: A; B; C; D; E;
    Row 3: 5; 6; 7;  ;  ;

Updated Sheet:

  Name: Data
    Row 0: a; b; c; d;  ;
    Row 1: 1; 2; 3; 4;  ;
    Row 2: A; B; C; D; E;
    Row 3: 5; 6; 7;  ;  ;
    --empty row--
    Row 5: 8; 9;  ;  ;  ;



The main class that represents a spreadsheet container object.

new GSheet(app_exec_url, ID, sheet_name)

Create a new spreadsheet container object.

  • app_exec_url - exec url of published Google Apps Script
  • ID - ID of the target spreadsheet
  • sheet_name - name of target sheet

setOpts(ID, name)

Modifies the ID and name for the spreadsheet

  • ID - string containing the new ID

  • name - string containing the new sheet name


Sets a max width for rows to add error checking for adding too many elements to a row

  • maxWidth - value for the max width

setRow(index, row)

Sets the row at the specified index in the spreadsheet

  • index - integer index for the new row (overwrites if there is already a row at that index)

  • row - array containing the values for the row


Returns an array with the values of the specified row

  • index - integer index for the new row


Sends the spreadsheet to update the target

  • index - integer index for the new row (overwrites if there is already a row at that index)

  • row - array containing the values for the row

sendTo(ID, name)

Sends the spreadsheet to a specified target, ignoring the object target

  • ID - string containing the new ID

  • name - string containing the new sheet name


Sends a GET request to the Google Apps Script


Creates a spreadsheet, dumps the data to it, and sends a link to the new spreadsheet to the specified email

  • email - string containing the target email

Note - in development


Fetches the sheet specified in the object options and updates the information in the object to match the online sheet, then executes the callback function

getSheetFrom(ID, name, callback)

Fetches the sheet specified in the parameters and updates the information in the object to match the online sheet, then executes the callback function

  • ID - string containing the new ID

  • name - string containing the new sheet name


Prints the spreadsheet to the command line


gsheets is free and unencumbered public domain software. For more information, see the accompanying UNLICENSE file.