1.2.0 • Published 5 years ago

gson-query-cli v1.2.0

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Last release
5 years ago

Query and transform your json data using an extended glob-pattern. This is a really helpful tool to quickly

  • fuzzy search json-data matching some search properties
  • transform data with consistent structures
  • extract information from json-data

This is the cli to gson-query

npm install gson-query-cli -g


cat some.json | gq query

Example cat package.json | gq '/keywords/*' will print all keywords


or read a file directly gq -f package.json '/keywords/*'


The query syntax is explained in detail at gson-query#query


For further details and options type $ gq -h.

Usage: gq [options] query

The gq utility will apply the query on the given json data and write
any results to the standard output. Per default, each result is written per

A basic query describes a path from the root of a json object to the
target destination, e.g. '/first/property'. To find multiple matches replace
any property with a wildcard '*', e.g. '/first/*' wich will return any
property from 'first'. To search independent of the depth of a target, use
the glob-pattern '**', e.g. '/**/second' will return any property 'second'
regardless of the depth within the json file.

To further narrow down the search result, use a regular expression like
'/**/{alf.*}' and/or add additional queries to the targets property
structure with '/**?alf:!undefined&&alf:!true'. For further details goto

value formats
Value formats can be modified with options
-j  value as valid json value in one line (default for objects and arrays)
-b  value as valid json format, multiple lines

output options
Different output options may be specified. A per line output is set by default,
but can be changed in the following order (highest option matches first)
-a  prints all matches in one valid json array like [ %value ]
-o  prints all matches in one valid json object like { %pointer: %value }
-p  specifies a pattern for per line output
-t  prints json-pointer of matches per line

For customized output a pattern may be given, which is a string containing
variables (%name) which will be replaced by the specified contents.

Example pattern: $ gq -p '%number/%total %pointer: %value'

Valid variable names are:
%value     - the matching value
%key       - the property name of the match
%parent    - the value of the parent (which contains the match)
%pointer   - the json-pointer to the target
%index     - the index of the match
%position  - the position of the match (index starting at 1)
%total     - the total number of matches

$ gq -f demo.json '/nodes/*/services/*?state:!healthy'
$ cat demo.json | gq '/nodes/*/services/*?state:!healthy'


-a, --array                print all matches as a valid json like [%match]. Overrides -o, -t, -p.
-b, --beautify             pretty print the result in json format (multiple lines)
-d, --debug                show stack trace of errors
-f, --filename <filename>  reads the json data from the given file
-j, --json                 print the result in json format (one-liner). Will always json-print objects and arrays
-o, --object               print all matches as a valid json map {%pointer: %match}. Overrides -t -p.
-p, --pattern <pattern>    print the result in the given pattern. @see pattern description
-t, --target               returns the json-pointer of each match (instead of its value)
-h, --help                 output usage information