0.0.4 • Published 2 years ago
gtfs-polygon-filter v0.0.4
Filters routes in a GTFS feed based on whether they overlap with a GeoJSON Polygon (or MultiPolygon).
It includes a route in the returned array, if overlapRatio
(0.5 by default) of the stops on the route are within the bounds of any of the provided polygons.
Works with node-gtfs
, requires an already open database connection to work.
npm i gtfs-polygon-filter
import gtfsPolygonFilter from 'gtfs-polygon-filter'
import { openDb } from 'gtfs'
import totallyAwesomePolygyon from './somewhere'
openDb(config) // see how to do this in node-gtfs readme
const routesThatAreAtLeastTwoThirdsInsideMyPolygon = await gtfsPolygonFilter({
polygon: totallyAwesomePolygon,
routesFilter: {
agency_id: '123', // gets passed into gtfs/getRoutes, to avoid looping through all routes in GTFS feed
overlapRatio: 0.67,
// [
// {
// route_id: 'cool_route',
// agency_id: '123',
// route_short_name: 'Cool Route',
// ...
// },
// ]
More detailed example here