0.1.17 • Published 7 months ago

guacamole-lite-ts v0.1.17

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7 months ago



Typescript guacamole-lite-ts is a NodeJS replacement for guacamole-client (server-side Java servlet). Guacamole is a RDP/VNC client for HTML5 browsers. This is a fork of vadimpronin excellent work on guacamole-lite.

This is solution allows dynamic control of encryption and decryption inside the callback. This also requires an express server. The work on this repo is highly experimental, and I have no prior experience on publishing packages to npm. Take this repo with a grain of salt.

This diagram describes the architecture of Guacamole and the role of guacamole-lite-ts in it: Alt text


npm install --save guacamole-lite-ts

To connect to guacamole-lite-ts from the browser you need to add guacamole-common-js into your page. Please refer to Chapter 17 of Guacamole documentation for instructions on how to do that.

Then you need to open guacamole connection to


where token is an encrypted token object (json) containing all the parameters needed to establish connection (host ip, login, password, connection type, etc).

Token object may contain any additional parameters you may need in your application. For example it can contain token expiration time (see below how to make use of it).

Here is an example of what it can contain:

    "auth*" : "example of an optional additional field",
    "connection": {
        "type": "rdp",
        "settings": {
            "hostname": "",
            "username": "Administrator",
            "password": "pAsSwOrD",
            "enable_drive": true,
            "create-drive-path": true,
            "security": "any",
            "ignore-cert": true,
            "enable-wallpaper": false

As seen in the example token object must contain property connection which in it's turn must contain type (rdp, vnc, ssh, telnet) and settings. For full list of settings and their meaning please refer to Chapter 5 of Guacamole documentation section Configuring connections) This is also where I was able to create the interface documentation from.

Websockets and guacd configuration

Default connection options

You don't necessary need to pass all connection parameters in the token. You can omit settings that are common for all your connections by moving them to clientOptions.connectionDefaultSettings in guacamole-lite-ts server:

import { createServer } from 'https';
import express, { Request, Response, NextFunction } from "express";
import { GuacdServer, guacLiteOptions, guacdOptions, logLevel } from 'guacamole-lite-ts';

    var listen_port = 4823;
    var app = express();
    var options = {
        key: readFileSync("/{{path to key}}/key.pem", "utf8"),
        cert: readFileSync("/{{path to key}}/certbundle.pem", "utf8"),
    var server = createServer(options, app);

    const guacdOpt: guacdOptions = {
        port: 4822 // default guacd port

    //Setting up basic settings 
    const baseClientOpt: guacLiteOptions = {
        type: 'vnc',
        defaultSettings: {
            autoretry: 3,
        allowedUnencryptedConnectionSettings: [],
        log: {
            level: logLevel.DEBUG,
            stdLog: (...args) => {
                console.log('[GUACAMOLE LOG]', ...args);
            errorLog: (...args) => {
                console.error('[GUACAMOLE ERROR]', ...args);

    const decode = async (options: {token?: string}, callback: (error: any, options?: guacLiteOptions) => void): Promise<void> => {
        try {
            if( options.token ){
                var connection_options: guacLiteOptions = decrypt(options.token, "mySuperSecretPassword");
                //here you can add/remote options and or 
                //handle permissions at the gateway prior to remote connection
                connection_options = {
                    type: 'vnc',
                    settings: {
                        hostname: '',
                        port: '5900'
                return callback(null, connection_options);
            } else {
                return callback(new Error('Token Required'));
        } catch (err) {
            return callback(new Error(err));

    const guacServer: GuacdServer = new GuacdServer(server, guacdOpt, baseClientOpt, decode);

    guacServer.on('open', (clientConnection) => { console.log('OPEN',clientConnection) });
    guacServer.on('close', (clientConnection) => { console.log('CLOSE',clientConnection) });
    guacServer.on('error', (clientConnection, error) => { console.error(clientConnection, error) });

    server.listen(listen_port, () => {
        console.log('Guacamole Server - online and listening on port: ' + listen_port);

    function decrypt(data: any, key: string){
        //your choice of decryption method

        return data;

Query parameters

Some connection options can be modified in the query:


Settings from the query override default settings and settings from the token. By default only width, height and dpi can be set in query. Others are ignored. The list of whitelisted parameters can be modified in clientOptions:

import { guacLiteOptions } from 'guacamole-lite-ts';

const clientOpt: guacLiteOptions = {
    allowedUnencryptedConnectionSettings: {
        rdp: [

Log levels

clientOptions.log.level defines verbosity of logs. Possible values are:

  • "QUIET" - no logs
  • "ERRORS" - only errors
  • "NORMAL" - errors + minimal logs (startup and shutdown messages)
  • "VERBOSE" - (default) normal + connection messages (opened, closed, guacd exchange, etc)
  • "DEBUG" - verbose + all OPCODES sent/received within guacamole sessions

Custom log functions

By default guacamole-lite-ts uses console.log and console.error functions for logging. You can redefine these functions by setting clientOptions.log.stdLog and clientOptions.log.errorLog like in the example below. Note that clientOptions.log.level is still applied, which means that messages that don't match desired log level won't be sent to your custom functions

const clientOptions = {
    log: {
        level: 'DEBUG',
        stdLog: (...args) => {
            console.log('[MyLog]', ...args)
        errorLog: (...args) => {
            console.error('[MyLog]', ...args)

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