0.2.1 • Published 3 years ago
guhit v0.2.1
A reactive JavaScript library for building web user interfaces
Install it using npm or yarn.
npm install agos guhit
import { pipe, map } from "agos";
import { mount, createState, e } from "./src";
const TextCount = count$ => {
// return a transformed id (id-{count})
// manipulate the <p id="">
const countId = pipe(
map(c => `id-${c}`)
const currentCount = pipe(
map(c => {
if (c % 2 === 0) return "Cannot display even number";
return c;
// return a <p> with id and text count changing
return e("p", { id: countId }, {}, ["Current count: ", currentCount]);
const App = () => {
// Since observable is directly manipulating the DOM
// there is no re rendering happenning inside the App.
// Running setCount will not rerender the App but will
// directly manipulate the <p> on TextCount.
// here count is an observable that gets
// subscribed on TextCount to change its values
const count$ = create((open, next, fail, done) => {
let count = 0;
const id = setInterval(() => next(++count), 100);
// return a div with text count
return e("div", {}, {}, ["Hello There", TextCount(count$)]);
mount(document.getElementById("app"), App());