0.0.2 • Published 10 years ago

gulp-angular-module v0.0.2

Weekly downloads
Last release
10 years ago


Dymaic angular module extension


Install gulp-angular-module as a development dependency:

npm install gulp-angular-module --save-dev

Then add it to your gulpfile.js:

var angularModule = require('gulp-angular-module'),
    gulp = require('gulp');
    gulp.task('module', function(){



####moduleDefinitionFileName Type: String

If defined then all module definitions will be placed here. The default behaviour will place a module definition in a file named the same as the module.

####masterModule Type: String

If set will add all modules found as a dependency to this module.

####masterVendorModules Type: Array

Possible 3rd party vendor modules to add to the master module.

Use cases

Let's say you have a very large angular app that you've separated into different modules

+- src
|   +- modules
|       +- admin
|           +- userManagmentController.js
|           +- userService.js
|       +- ui
|           +- specialButtonDirective.js
|           +- awesomeSliderDirective.js
+- dist

In the src/modules/admin/userManagmentController.js

You have the following code

.controller('userManagement', function(fooService){

And in src/modules/admin/userService.js

You have

.service('userService', function(barService){

There would be an issue because angular only allows a module to be defined once. To fix this you then have to create an app.js at root of the module and redefine all the dependencies there, whilst also having to replace all of the module definitions up in all your controllers, constants, directives, ect.


As you can guess this becomes a very large cognitive load as your app gets very large and this plugin automates this process.