0.4.1 • Published 8 years ago
gulp-bootstrap-configurator v0.4.1
Build bootstrap with your own configuration file. You can make your own 'config.json' with online tool http://getbootstrap.com/customize/
Install gulp-bootstrap-configurator
via npm
npm install --save-dev gulp-bootstrap-configurator
Bootstrap should be installed in your project (via npm or bower).
Insert into your gulpfile
var bsConfig = require("gulp-bootstrap-configurator");
// For CSS
gulp.task('make-bootstrap-css', function(){
return gulp.src("./config.json")
// It will create `bootstrap.css` in directory `assets`.
// For JS
gulp.task('make-bootstrap-js', function(){
return gulp.src("./config.json")
// It will create `bootstrap.js` in directory `assets`.
bower: true
- if bootstrap installed via bowercompress: true
- will createbootstrap.min.{js,css}
name: 'destFile.{js,css}'
- name of destination file
For example
gulp.task('make-bootstrap-js', function(){
return gulp.src("./config.json")
compress: true,
bower: true,
name: 'my.js'
// It will create compressed `my.js` in directory `assets`.