0.1.1 • Published 10 years ago
gulp-bower-dist v0.1.1
When you use bower dependencies in your project, they look like this:
|- my-project
|- bower_components
| |- thingy
| |- index.js
|- src
|- mycode.html
And you use them like this:
<script src="../bower_components/thingy/thingy.js"></script>
But when your project is itself a bower dependency, now things look like this:
|- bower_components
|- thingy
| |- index.js
|- my-project
|- src
|- mycode.html
That kinda sucks. This plugin rewrites the URLs so they point to sibling dependencies properly.
var bower = require('gulp-bower-dist');
The result?
<script src="../../thingy/thingy.js"></script>