0.1.1 • Published 7 years ago

gulp-cache-bust-meta v0.1.1

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Last release
7 years ago

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is a Gulp plugin that creates copies of files with content dependent hashes added to their file names, which is a common cache busting technique. Additionally, it creates a "meta hash" (which changes every time a source files changes) and triggers a simple templating process taking the source file changes into account.


To install gulp-cache-bust-meta as a development dependency, simply run:

npm install --save-dev gulp-cache-bust-meta


Add it to your gulpfile.js and use it like this:

const gulp             = require('gulp');
const cacheBustMeta    = require('gulp-cache-bust-meta');

    .pipe(cacheBustMeta({'path/to/index-template.html': 'index.html'}))

Running the task on a source file structure like this:

`-- to
    |-- index-template.html
    `-- assets
        |-- js
        |   `-- main.js
        `-- css
            `-- main.css

would result in:

|-- index.html
|-- js
|   `-- main.5bbf5a52.js
`-- css
    `-- main.c193497a.css

In detail,

  • the files path/to/assets/js/main.js and path/to/assets/css/main.css are copied to the destination (preserving the directory structure as yielded by the glob expression) with their names supplemented by a content based hash,
  • the template path/to/index-template.html is copied to index.html in the destination directory with the following string replacements applied:
js/main.js      → js/main.5bbf5a52.js
css/main.css    → js/main.c193497a.css
@@metaHash      → js/83f914b4

The meta hash change can e.g. be used for invalidating a cookie previously sent to a client.


 * Cache busting including (meta) hash replacement in template files
 * @param {Object} map    Optional: Templates to process
 *                        {
 *                              '/path/to/template/file.xyz': 'target.xyz'
 *                        }
 * @param {Object} opt    Optional: Options, defaulting to
 *                        {
 *                              hashLength: 8,
 *                              separator: '.',
 *                              metaHashPlaceholder: '@@metaHash'
 *                        }
 * @returns {DestroyableTransform} Transform
cacheBustMeta(map, opt);

The map argument may be empty if you don't want to process any templates.

The opt keys may be given individually. The default hash length of 8 characters may be altered by hashLength. The character(s) given by separator are used for prepending the hash when added to a file name. The template placeholder for the meta hash may be altered by metaHashPlaceholder.


Please refer to the changelog for a complete release history.


Copyright © 2016 Joschi Kuphal joschi@kuphal.net / @jkphl.

gulp-cache-bust-meta is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.