0.6.3 • Published 9 years ago

gulp-component-helper v0.6.3

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Last release
9 years ago

Gulp Component Helper NPM version

A Component is self-contained web functionality, that can be easily re-used i.e. a Carousel.

This helper is used to create and deploy Components via Gulp tasks. You can :

  • Build and serve a demo page
  • Compile Sass to CSS
  • Compile JS to 'browserify' / 'requireJS' files (plus .min.js files)
  • Deploy to github.io / Bower / Amazon S3


npm install -g gulp-component-helper

Creating a New Component

  1. Create a repository on github
  2. component new
  3. Run gulp serve in your component's directory, stick a fork in it - you're done.

Once the above is complete should have the conventional directory structure as well as the useful gulp tasks.

Generated Directory Structure

$ component
├── _site           => Generated / Compiled demo site
├── config          => Store the build config including the AWS variables
├── dist            => Compiled code to be distrubtuted via bower
├── test            => Home of your test config plus test specs
├── demo            => source code used soley for demoing the functionality
│   ├- _includes    => Contains any html files to be concatinated to index.html
│   ├- js           => any javascript needed to get the demo working
│   ├- scss         => any Sass needed to get the demo working
│   ├- images etc.  => demo assets directories
│   └- index.html
└── src             => source code for the component.
    ├- js           => component javascript [more info](GULP-TASKS.md#js)
    ├- scss         => component Sass
    └- images etc.  => component assets directories

Running Locally

gulp serve

This will compile your assets (JS, Sass) and serve your demo page to http://localhost:3456

gulp test

Please add Jasmine Tests to unit and functionally test your component.

Regression/Screen-shot tests

To add regression testing, please see Sheut

Customise your Build

To enable you to build a custom step into the build process, you can use the pre-build within your gulp file:

gulp.task('pre-build', function(cb){

Gulp Tasks in Detail

You can also hook into any predefined helper gulp task and over-write it with your own. i.e. if you want to use requireJS rather than browserify you can change the 'js' task.

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Releasing your Component

If you are ready for your component to go public, you can release the code to Bower, github.io (gh-pages branch) and to the cloud (AWS).

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Contributing to the Helper

This project depends on collaboration between developers. Contributions of any size are actively encouraged.

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