gulp-cordovacli v0.0.6
This aims to provide a very basic interface to be used in a gulp build system, bare in mind this doesn't provide much really, it's just to abstract the spawn process and the such.
I have no idea how to test this so that's why it has no tests, I would love it
if anyone out there would help me out figuring out how to test this. I've
written a couple of tests but I am pretty sure they are not enough, and they
might not even be good. Help is still welcome!
As with many node projects, send a PR if it is accepted you're added to the repo with full-access rights. If there are any bugs open an issue and we can figure out a solution! Same thing for feature requests or any other kind of problems you might have.
Why this exists: I'm building a project with cordova and I find it cumbersome
to have to go to the CLI every time and run emulate
or build
or whatever
so I figured I'd write a short plugin. It's useful to me, I hope you find it
useful as well :) If you want to write a plugin that you think deserves this
name let me know and I might free it if I agree!
Why this might be useful to you: Initialise a project without a script,
instead use what you already use for the rest of your javascript projects. You
could also use it in watch tasks where you want to re-run the emulate
when something specifically is updated.
There's two ways to use this plugin, via a JSON configuration file or just
passing parameters to the cordova
function. Note: If you pass commands as a param
the file contents will be ignored.
Usage example:
gulp.task('cordova:init', function() {
Notice I'm using package.json
for demonstration purposes, but you may use any
file. Just make sure the file has a key cordova
and that key contains
an array with the command or an array of arrays for multiple commands.
file: config.json/package.json/xxx.json
"cordova": [
cordova(command, options)
command (optional)
Type: array
Values: In theory, any cordova cli command. I haven't tested all of them.
// ...
.pipe(cordova(['plugins', 'add', 'org.apache.cordova.battery-status', 'org.apache.cordova.device-motion']))
// ...
options (optional)
Type: boolean
Default: false