0.5.4 • Published 8 years ago

gulp-develop-server-reuse v0.5.4

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Last release
8 years ago


fork from https://github.com/narirou/gulp-develop-server.git

run your node.js server and automatically restart with gulp.

Build Status Dependency Status Test Coverage Npm Modules MIT Licensed

gulp-develop-server-reuse is a development assistant for node.js server that runs the process and automatically restarts it when a file is modified.


npm install gulp-develop-server-reuse --save-dev


var gulp   = require( 'gulp' ),
    GulpServer = require( 'gulp-develop-server-reuse' );
var server = new GulpServer();

// run server
gulp.task( 'server:start', function() {
    server.listen( { path: './app.js' } );

// restart server if app.js changed
gulp.task( 'server:restart', function() {
    gulp.watch( [ './app.js' ], server.restart );


###server.listen( options, callback )

options {Object}

  • path

    • type: {String}
    • example: './your_node_app.js'
    • Your node application path. This option is required.
  • env

    • type: {Object}
    • default: { NODE_ENV: 'development' } (extends current process.env)
    • example: { PORT: 3000, NODE_ENV: 'production' }
    • Environment settings of your server.
  • args

    • type: {Array}
    • your application's arguments
  • execArgv

    • type: {Array}
    • example: [ '--harmony' ]
    • Run node process with this options.
  • delay

    • type: {Number}
    • default: 600
    • If this plugin does not receive an error from the server after options.delay seconds, assumes the server listening success.
    • This option needs to adjust according to your application's initialize time.
    • If this option set 0, it will only check successMessage.
  • successMessage

    • type: {RegExp}
    • default: /^[Ss]erver listening/
    • If your application send the specific message by process.send method, this plugin assumes the server listening success.
  • errorMessage

    • type: {RegExp}
    • default: /[Ee]rror:/
    • If this plugin receives the specific error message that matched this RegExp at start-up, assumes the server has error.
  • killSignal

    • type: {String}
    • default: SIGTERM

callback( error )

###server.restart( callback ) / server.changed( callback )

callback( error )

###server( options )

Create a Transform stream. Restart the server at once when this stream gets files.

###server.kill( signal, callback )

Send kill signal to the server process.
signal {String}
callback( error )

###server.reset( signal, callback )

Send kill signal to the server process and reset the options to default.
signal {String}
callback( error )

more examples

####with gulp-livereload:

var gulp       = require( 'gulp' ),
    GulpServer     = require( 'gulp-develop-server-reuse' ),
    livereload = require( 'gulp-livereload' );
var server = new GulpServer();
var options = {
    path: './apps/app.js'

var serverFiles = [

gulp.task( 'server:start', function() {
    server.listen( options, livereload.listen );

// If server scripts change, restart the server and then livereload.
gulp.task( 'default', [ 'server:start' ], function() {
    function restart( file ) {
        server.changed( function( error ) {
            if( ! error ) livereload.changed( file.path );

    gulp.watch( serverFiles ).on( 'change', restart );

####with BrowserSync:

var gulp   = require( 'gulp' ),
    GulpServer = require( 'gulp-develop-server-reuse' ),
    bs     = require( 'browser-sync' );
var server = new GulpServer();
var options = {
    server: {
        path: './apps/app.js',
        execArgv: [ '--harmony' ]
    bs: {
        proxy: 'http://localhost:3000'

var serverFiles = [

gulp.task( 'server:start', function() {
    server.listen( options.server, function( error ) {
        if( ! error ) bs( options.bs );

// If server scripts change, restart the server and then browser-reload.
gulp.task( 'server:restart', function() {
    server.restart( function( error ) {
        if( ! error ) bs.reload();

gulp.task( 'default', [ 'server:start' ], function() {
    gulp.watch( serverFiles, [ 'server:restart' ] )

####use as a stream:

var gulp   = require( 'gulp' ),
    GulpServer = require( 'gulp-develop-server-reuse' ),
    bs     = require( 'browser-sync' ),
    coffee = require( 'gulp-coffee' );
var server = new GulpServer();
var options = {
    server: {
        path: './apps/app.js',
        execArgv: [ '--harmony' ]
    bs: {
        proxy: 'http://localhost:3000'

var serverCoffee = [

gulp.task( 'server:start', function() {
    server.listen( options.server, function( error ) {
        if( ! error ) bs( options.bs );

// If server side's coffee files change, compile these files,
// restart the server and then browser-reload.
gulp.task( 'server:restart', function() {
    gulp.src( serverCoffee )
        .pipe( coffee() )
        .pipe( gulp.dest( './apps' ) )
        .pipe( server.stream() )
        .pipe( bs.reload({ stream: true }) );

gulp.task( 'default', [ 'server:start' ], function() {
    gulp.watch( serverCoffee, [ 'server:restart' ] );

