1.0.2 • Published 4 years ago

gulp-ecs-build-push-win-util v1.0.2

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Last release
4 years ago


This is a gulp task that will automatically

  • Prompt you to bump your version number if desired
  • Prompt you to commit and push your repo to git if desired
  • Build your docker image
  • Log you into the AWS ecs CLI
  • Push your new image to your ECS repository and tag it 'latest'

I probably don't need to say this, but this task is reliant on everything being set up for your project:

  • A proper npm project folder structure with a package.js
  • A cloned git repository with a remote origin set
  • A dockerfile for building your docker image
  • An Amazon ECS repository

##Use it like this:

gulp.task('push', require('gulp-ecs-build-push-win-util')(
    awsRegion: process.env.AWS_REGION,
    ecsRepoName: process.env.ECS_REPO_NAME,
    ecsRepoPath: process.env.ECS_REPO_PATH
  [optional logger]

$ gulp push