0.0.2 • Published 5 years ago

gulp-etl-target-text v0.0.2

Weekly downloads
Last release
5 years ago


This plugin creates text files (including HTML, JSON, tweets, etc.) from gulp-etl Message Stream files; It is a gulp-etl wrapper for squirrelly.

WARNING: This is a very early-stage plugin; new features are being added and it is not yet stable. Check back in a few weeks to see what it can do!

This is a gulp-etl plugin, and as such it is a gulp plugin. gulp-etl plugins work with ndjson data streams/files which we call Message Streams and which are compliant with the Singer specification. Message Streams look like this:



gulp-etl plugins accept a configObj as the first parameter; configObj will contain any info the plugin needs. For this plugin configObj expects a "template" parameter to be passed to Squirrelly. The data/context object it requires will be the current line of the Message Stream. Get started with squirrelly here.

Sample gulpfile.js

var gulp = require('gulp')
var targetText = require('gulp-etl-target-text').targetText
var template = `{ model:"{{record.carModel}}", color:"{{record['color']}}", prc:{{record.price}}}`

exports.default = function() {
    return gulp.src('data/*.ndjson')
    .on('data', function (file) {
        console.log('Starting processing on ' + file.basename)
    .on('data', function (file) {
        console.log('Done processing on ' + file.basename)

Quick Start for Coding on This Plugin

  • Dependencies:
  • git
  • nodejs - At least v6.3 (6.9 for Windows) required for TypeScript debugging
  • npm (installs with Node)
  • typescript - installed as a development dependency
  • Clone this repo and run npm install to install npm packages
  • Debug: with VScode use Open Folder to open the project folder, then hit F5 to debug. This runs without compiling to javascript using ts-node
  • Test: npm test or npm t
  • Compile to javascript: npm run build


We are using Jest for our testing. Each of our tests are in the test folder.

  • Run npm test to run the test suites

Note: This document is written in Markdown. We like to use Typora and Markdown Preview Plus for our Markdown work..