0.0.1 • Published 8 years ago

gulp-github-automator v0.0.1

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Last release
8 years ago


Travis David deps Codacy Coverage Node Version

It"s a collection of gulp tasks with the objective of simplify the workflow of your application development in your GitHub repository.

The principle is simple: Your master branch is always in sync with your production environment, and develop branch is used as base of new features. With this We can automate the changelog file generation and versioning info. New versions of your application are created when needed as well the releases and tags on your GitHub repository.

Git Flow

More details About Semantic Versioning


In your gulpfile.js:

var automatorTasks = require("gulp-github-automator");

// Load tasks
    preset: "angular",
    testTask: "test",
    token: process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN,



Type: string Possible values: "angular", "atom", "codemirror", "ember", "eslint", "express", "jquery", "jscs", "jshint"

Is the pattern of the commits messages, with this you can automate the changelog generation and define automatic version detection. The default one is the angular preset.


Type: string Default: undefined

Is the task that you are using to test things before the submission of your code. It"s optional, and if not defined the test will be skiped.


Type: string

You can get the token in your settings page in GitHub. Security concerns: If you put the token directly in your source code everyone with access to the code will be able to use this token.


Type: array Default: ["package.json", "bower.json"]

Where github-automator will search for versioning strings for the automatic version bump.


To run a task just type $ gulp taskname in your project directory.


Configure your repository with needed files and branches and bump the first version from the one in your package.json manifest.


Start a new branch from develop branch with a new feature. Use -n argument to define the name (or reference) to the new feature. You will be asked if you want to send the feature branch to the origin repository.


Merge the given feature branch (use -b argument to define the branch name). With testTask argument you can define a gulp task to test your application before we finish.


Start a new branch with all features from develop branch that will be merged in future to the master branch. You will be asked if you want to send the release branch to the origin repository.


Merge the given release branch (use -b argument to define the branch name). With testTask argument you can define a gulp task to test your application before we finish.


Start a new branch from the master branch. You will be asked if you want to send the hotfix branch to the origin repository.


Merge the given hotfix branch (use -b argument to define the branch name). With testTask argument you can define a gulp task to test your application before we finish.