0.1.0 • Published 9 years ago
gulp-handlebars-typer v0.1.0
Handlebars Typescript Typer
This is a fairly simple gulp plugin to read a file of compiled Handlebars templates. It doesn't support a lot of options (yet?) so it's fairly simplisitic and it requires you to do things in a very specific way.
So how do I use it?
Here's an example gulp script showing how I compile my templates:
var tplPath = 'path/to/templates';
gulp.task('handlebars', function() {
return gulp.src(['./' + tplPath + '/**/*.hbs',
'!./' + tplPath + '/partials/*.hbs'])
.pipe(wrap('Handlebars.template(<%= contents %>)'))
root: 'module.exports',
noRedeclare: true,
processName: function(filePath) {
return declare.processNameByPath(
filePath.replace(tplPath + '/', '')
.pipe(wrap('var Handlebars = require("handlebars");\n<%= contents %>'))
.on('error', function(err) {
gutil.log(gutil.colors.red('Typer Error:'), err.message);
.pipe(gulp.dest('./' + tplPath))
.pipe(gulp.dest('./' + tplPath));
So what's it do?
Now I have a file called hbs.js
with my compiled templates, and a file called
with a very simple definition for them. For a template structure
looking like this:
├── index.hbs
├── test
│ └── test2.hbs
└── test.hbs
I get a typing definitions file that looks like this:
interface Template {
(data?: any): string,
interface HbsHierarchy {
index: Template;
test: {
(): Template;
test2: Template;
declare module "hbs.js" {
export var hbs: HbsHierarchy;
export default hbs;
Which, admittedly, is very simplistic. And it only targets ES6. And there's some other flaws with it, probably, but it works for at least determining whether or not a template actually exists at compile time.
9 years ago