gulp-nav v0.3.0
A gulp plugin to help build navigation or breadcrumb
elements implicitly from our file structure. The goal is to be useful with e.g.
Bootstrap .nav classes and your
favorite templating system. (If you need templates, try
Jade.) gulp-nav can handle
Vinyl file objects with stream contents
and with
buffer contents
Imagine we have some source files in a directory hierarchy:
├── greek
│ ├── alpha.jade
│ ├── beta.jade
│ ├── delta.jade
│ └── gamma.jade
├── index.jade
├── latin
│ ├── b.jade
│ ├── c.jade
│ ├── index.jade
│ └── letter-a.jade
├── one.jade
├── three.jade
└── two.jade
We know how to .pipe
these through appropriate plugins and
transforms, leaving us with a bunch of output pages in a similar directory
hierarchy. What about links between those pages, however? We don't want to
hardcode that stuff! While each file is piped through, an object stored as a
property of the Vinyl file object, which stored object knows where other
files are located and what they are called, could be really useful to template
plugins. With that information, a template could be written to build navbars,
breadcrumbs, or whatever we want on our generated page.
What would this look like? If we had this in our gulpfile...
var gulp = require('gulp'),
data = require('gulp-data'),
matter = require('jade-var-matter'),
nav = require('gulp-nav'),
jade = require('gulp-jade');
gulp.task('default', function() {
return gulp.src('src/**/*.jade')
// gulp-nav will use title or order properties if they are included
// in, but that is completely optional
.pipe(data(function(file) {
return matter(String(file.contents));
...and our template file had something like this...
for sibling in nav.siblings
a(href=sibling.href)= sibling.title
...that would be enough to generate easy, maintainable navbars! This slightly more elaborate template file generates the nav for the demo site.
The nav
object referenced above has the following properties:
property | description |
title | Identifier for this resource. |
href | Relative link to this resource. null for a directory without an index. |
active | Is this resource the current one? true or false . |
parent | nav object representing this resource's parent. null for the root resource. |
children | Array of nav objects representing this resource's children. Empty when this resource isn't a directory. |
siblings | Array of nav objects representing this resource's parent's children. Includes this resource. |
root | nav object representing the ancestor of all streamed resources. |
hasActiveDescendant | Is a child (or child of child, etc.) of this resource active? |
If you want children
and siblings
to be in a particular order, just have an
property defined on each file object. order
should be a
number, small for the "first" resource and large for the "last" resource in the
There are a bunch of options we can pass into the plugin (in an object), which are currently undocumented because they have sensible defaults and they might change. If you want to know all about the options then read the source.
One current default is to expose the nav data at both the nav
and data.nav
(the latter for use with the new "data
properties of the file object, although either or both of these may be
overridden via the targets
gulp-nav is by Jess Austin and is distributed under the terms of the MIT license. Any and all potential contributions of issues and pull requests are welcome!
Special thanks to Arlando Battle for windows compatibility!
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