gulp-ready-to-start v4.0.1
- Download the file $
npm i gulp-ready-to-start
- Move all files from /node_modules/gulp-ready-to-start/ to your working directory
- Write on the command line $
npm install
- After that $
gulp grid
to generate smartgrid.sass in sass folder - Awesome
Fully updated package
Fixed bugs
Imagemin packages have been removed
Now you do not have to remember to do "import" in your main "sass" file, just write @import yourpath/**/* .sass
, but do not forget about @import normalize
Added Pug Added sourcemaps
A new function passToBuild in gulpfile
With $ gulp passToBuild
you can send all your main files such as js,css,html,img in the 'dist' folder
The command $ gulp direct
now creates dist and app folders in your project
Gulp-ftp has been deleted
Gulp-imagemin has been modified
Gulp-image has been optimized
Now faster and better!
Added additional plugins: 1. gulp-cache 2. imagemin-pngquant 3. imagemin-zopfli 4. imagemin-mozjpeg 5. imagemin-giflossy
New functionality and js file "smartgrid.js"
When you change breakpoints in "smartgrid.js" page will dynamically reload and rebuild your "main.css"
The package now includes a smart-grid
To configure it in the file gulpfile.js you need to change the container
Normalize.scss added to project
To make normalize work, add the line @import "normalize" to your main sass file
- In this version, the 'clean' function was returned, but in a different wrapper.
Previously, the function removed EVERYTHING in the app directive, but now it has exception files: .git .venv .json .gitignore - Just in case, the command line will ask about deleting the folder. Press the letter 'y' on your keyboard
In new version of gulp-ready-to-start has added 'gulp-wait' for delay 'sass' actions
The package includes the most basic sets for comfortable work, such as: 1. browser-sync, 2. gulp, 3. gulp-autoprefixer, 4. gulp-clean, 5. gulp-clean-css, 6. gulp-concat-css, 7. gulp-confirm, 8. gulp-ftp, 9. gulp-imagemin, 10. gulp-sass, 11. gulp-util, 12. gulp-wait
This package was invented to make your life easier
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