1.2.0 • Published 9 years ago
gulp-recess v1.2.0
Lint CSS and LESS with RECESS
Issues with the output should be reported on the RECESS issue tracker.
$ npm install --save-dev gulp-recess
var gulp = require('gulp');
var recess = require('gulp-recess');
gulp.task('default', function () {
return gulp.src('src/app.css')
Options can be specified programmatically as part of the task configuration using the options below.
Additionally or alternatively, you can use a .recessrc
file to specify the options.
The compress
and compile
options from RECESS are intentionally missing. Separate tasks
like gulp-csso and gulp-less
will do a much better job.
Run recess on each file
// default options
includePath: [] // Additional paths to look for `@import`'ed LESS files.
strictPropertyOrder: true // Complains if not strict property order
noIDs: true // Doesn't complain about using IDs in your stylesheets
noJSPrefix: true // Doesn't complain about styling .js- prefixed classnames
noOverqualifying: true // Doesn't complain about overqualified selectors (ie: div#foo.bar)
noUnderscores: true // Doesn't complain about using underscores in your class names
noUniversalSelectors: true // Doesn't complain about using the universal * selector
zeroUnits: true // Doesn't complain if you add units to values of 0
Writes .recess
object to each vinyl object:
success: true, // Did it succeed?
status: 'Perfect!', // Recess status
failureCount: 0, // Number of errors
results: [], // Recess failure details
errors: [], // Recess errors
options: {} // The options passed to Recess
Write the report on each failing file. (Passing files write no output.)
// default options
fail: true // If true, it writes error event on failure
minimal: false // If true, it only lists failure filenames omitting details
MIT © Sindre Sorhus